Colombia Campaigns

2024 Colombian Caravana – Your Support Needed!

DONATE AT THIS LINK: Donate to LRWC’s VIII Caravana fund through Canada Helps  Support LRWC Board Member Heather Neun’s Participation in VIII Colombian Caravana 24/06/2024 DONATE AT THIS LINK: Donate to LRWC’s VIII Caravana fund through Canada Helps  Colombia remains the most dangerous … [Read more...]

Interview with Reinaldo Villalba on the “historic” ruling by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the “CAJAR v. Colombia” case

Reposted with permission from the International Observatory of Lawyers at Risk On 18 March 2024, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a “historic” ruling in the “Case of the members of the Lawyers’ Corporation ‘José Alvear Restrepo’ v. Colombia”. The Observatory was very pleased to … [Read more...]

Colombia violates right to defend human rights | IACtHR

Inter-American Court finds Colombia in violation of the right to defend human rights In a historic decision, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights finds Colombia internationally responsible for violating the right to defend human rights According to the ruling, the Colombian State … [Read more...]

The global problem of enforced disappearances: “Outside all protection of the law” | Written statement submitted to the UN Human Rights Council

Written statement submitted by Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status. Peacemakers Trust,  The 29 Principles,  Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders, Colombian Caravana,  Memorial Human Rights Defence Centre, NGOs without consultative status, … [Read more...]

UPDATED REPORT: Colombia Caravana – Confronting Impunity: Protect Lawyers and Judicial Independence

The VII International Caravana of Jurists has released the final report of the August 2022 delegation of lawyers and judges to Colombia. The latest Caravana focused on the need for an independent judiciary and the protection of human rights lawyers and defenders, to confront impunity and guarantee … [Read more...]

Enforced disappearances: “Every minute counts” | Joint submission to UN CED and WGEID

Full pdf submission On 15 August 2023, LRWC joined a submission to the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearance (CED) and the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearance (WGEID). The submission, was initiated by Peacemakers Trust and is also endorsed by the Colombian Caravana, The 29 … [Read more...]

Support LRWC Board Member Heather Neun’s Participation in VII Colombia Caravana

Go To Donate Page Please donate to support LRWC member Heather Neun’s participation in the VII International Caravana of Jurists to Colombia (20-28 August 2022) in support of the Colombian legal profession. The VII Caravana is taking place at the invitation of Colombian human rights … [Read more...]

Amicus Curiae Filed in Petition of Colombian Human Rights Lawyers against the State of Colombia

Lawyers Without Borders Canada (LWBC) and Lawyers Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) recently filed an amicus curiae brief (amicus) with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR or Court) concerning the petition of “Jose Alvear Restrepo” Lawyers’ Collective (CCAJAR) v Colombia. The Petitioners are … [Read more...]

Colombia: Report to UN Human Rights Committee | Joint submission

Full pdf joint report See the submission on the UN OHCHR site On 2 May 2022, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) joined Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) in a submission to the UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) in preparation for the next review of Colombia's implementation of the International … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Situation of human rights in Colombia | Oral statement

Full pdf statement See at 07:44:20. Organization:   Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item:           Item 2: General Debate Date:           8 March 2021 Speaker:        Catherine Morris Oral Statement to the 49th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada … [Read more...]