2024 Colombian Caravana – Your Support Needed!

DONATE AT THIS LINK: Donate to LRWC’s VIII Caravana fund through Canada Helps  Support LRWC Board Member Heather Neun’s Participation in VIII Colombian Caravana 24/06/2024 DONATE AT THIS LINK: Donate to LRWC’s VIII Caravana fund through Canada Helps  Colombia remains the most dangerous … [Read more...]

Open Letter: Premier David Eby Stop the criminalization of Wet’suwet’en land defenders!

Full PDF joint open letter [EN] | [FR] Wet’suwet’en land defenders, under the governance of the Wet’suwet’en Nation’s Hereditary Chiefs, oppose the construction of a natural gas pipeline by the Canadian-based company Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. (CGL), owned by TC Energy Corporation. This … [Read more...]

Alex Neve: A call for Canadian support for the ICC’s work with respect to Palestine/Israel

Republished with permission of the author, Alex Neve, 29 May 2024 I am honoured to be among 375 Canadian law professors, lawyers, legal scholars, academics, civil society, faith and labour movement leaders, and former diplomats and parliamentarians, who have written the following Open Letter to the … [Read more...]

Interview with Reinaldo Villalba on the “historic” ruling by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the “CAJAR v. Colombia” case

Reposted with permission from the International Observatory of Lawyers at Risk On 18 March 2024, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a “historic” ruling in the “Case of the members of the Lawyers’ Corporation ‘José Alvear Restrepo’ v. Colombia”. The Observatory was very pleased to … [Read more...]

Joint Statement: BC Government Must Withdraw Bill 21 (Legal Professions Act)

Canada: British Columbia government’s sweeping changes to the legal profession undermine the international human rights and the rule of law Full PDF Version Statement 15 May 2024 The undersigned are deeply concerned by sweeping changes to the legal profession proposed by the government of … [Read more...]

BC, Canada: Bill 21 “Legal Professions Act” is fundamentally flawed and should be withdrawn. Why? | Briefing Notes

Full PDF briefing notes on Bill 21 (3 pages) | See more on Bill 21 Briefing Notes on Bill 21, “Legal Professions Act.” Catherine Morris, member and former Executive Director, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada 23 April 2024 Bill 21 “Legal Professions Act” is fundamentally flawed and should be … [Read more...]

British Columbia, Canada: Analysis of Bill 21 shows clear violation of international law and standards on independence of lawyers

Full pdf 17 April 2024 briefing paper (16 pages) | Full 17 April 2024 pdf letter to Attorney General of BC (AGBC) | Media release .pdf See briefing notes (3 pages) Also see LRWC's 12 April 2024 pdf letter | Letter 10 April 2024 | Brief 10 April 2024 | 10 April 2024 press release | LRWC … [Read more...]

Ten years after his arbitrary arrest, NGOs call for Waleed Abu al-Khair to be released

Monday, 15 April 2024 marks the tenth anniversary of the arrest of Saudi human rights defender Waleed Abu al-Khair, who is serving a 15-year prison sentence as a result of his peaceful human rights activism. He has repeatedly been ill-treated in prison, including being denied vital medical care. The … [Read more...]

LRWC: protecting access to justice and independence of the legal profession in British Columbia, Canada for over two decades

LRWC research, education, and advocacy on human rights concerns in British Columbia, 2002-2024 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada has conducted research, education and advocacy on human rights issues in British Columbia (BC) since 2002. The primary focus of LRWC’s work in BC has been on access to … [Read more...]

Canada: British Columbia’s proposed legislation (Bill 21) violates international human rights law and standards on independence of the legal profession

Note: LRWC's 10 April 2024 letter and brief were published before LRWC was aware of the almost simultaneous tabling of Bill 21 in the British Columbia (BC) legislature on 10 April 2024. See LRWC's analysis of Bill 21 in its briefing paper of 17 April 2024.  LRWC sent a 12 April 2024 follow up … [Read more...]