Canada Campaigns

Canada: Bill C-51 demonstrates intention to violate international human rights and must be repealed | Statement

Full .pdf statement Statement 11 June 2015 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada profoundly regrets that on 9 June 2015 the Anti-Terrorist Act, 2015 (Bill C-51) was passed by the Senate of Canada and will enter into force upon Royal Assent. The Bill was rushed through Parliament in the face of … [Read more...]

Canada: Bill C-51: grave dangers explained | Gail Davidson video statement 30 May 2015

Click to watch video | Bill C-51: Grave Dangers Explained Gail Davidson, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, explains to the public the rights and freedoms which Bill C51 was designed to remove form our constitution which so many members of our past generations gave their lives fighting for. Statement … [Read more...]

Southeast Asia: Human Rights Crisis Involving Rohingya People and Other Migrants in the Indian Ocean | Letter to the Government of Canada

Full PDF Version Also see statement on systematic violations of internationally protected rights of Rohingya and other migrants 2 June 2015 The Honourable Robert Nicholson, PC, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs The Honourable Ed Fast, PC, MP, Minister of International Trade The … [Read more...]

Canada: Bill C-51 perverts the rule of law

by Catherine Morris  Law Times (print edition) and Georgia Straight (online), 27 April 2015 One of the worst things about Bill C-51 is that it threatens the rule of law and undermines the integrity and independence of Canadian courts. Bill C51 would allow CSIS and the Minister of Public … [Read more...]

Canada: Bill C-51: Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security Transcripts and Report & Selected Commentaries and Analyses

Bill C-51: Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security Transcripts and Report & Selected Commentaries and Analyses updated 24 June 2015 Anti-terrorism Act, 2015, An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the … [Read more...]

Canada: British Columbia must enact legislation to provide legal aid in compliance with international law | Statement

Full .pdf version Legal Aid in British Columbia: Implementation of BC’s International Human Rights Treaty Obligations 10 March 2015 The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada stated in 2011 that “access to justice is a fundamental right of every person – every man, woman and … [Read more...]

Canada: Bill C-51 – A Legal Primer

Full PDF Version (English) | Full PDF Version (French)   Canadian lawyers Clayton Ruby and Nader Hasan analyze Bill C-51 and conclude, “Bill C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015, would expand the powers of Canada’s spy agency, allow Canadians to be arrested on mere suspicion of future … [Read more...]

Canada: Medical Treatment for Omar Khadr | Letter

Full PDF Version In this letter, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) writes to: Alert authorities of the international law that imposes a duty on Canada and on Correctional Services Canada to ensure that Omar Khadr is provided with competent and timely medical care and treatment in … [Read more...]

Canada: Response to the Societies Act White Paper from British Columbia Nongovernmental Organizations | Joint Statement

Full PDF Version Fifty-seven BC-based organizations, including LRWC published a statement expressing concern that section 99 of the draft B.C. Societies Act contained in the Societies White Paper would threaten the ability of BC societies to act in furtherance of their  purposes. The … [Read more...]

Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Access to Justice and Protection of Human Rights Defenders, Oral Intervention by LRWC to the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Access to Justice and Protection of Human Rights Defenders, oral intervention by LRWC to the UN Human Rights Council on 17 September  2014, presented by Catherine Morris. The video of Catherine Morris presenting this statement during the Panel … [Read more...]