Canada Campaigns

Canada: International Day of the Endangered Lawyer | Briefing Note

Full PDF Version January 23, 2020 EVENT NAME: International Day of the Endangered Lawyer: The Role of Lawyers, Paralegals, Judges and Advocates in Defending the Rule of Law in Pakistan HOST ORGANIZATION(S): Law Society of Ontario, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, Human Rights Watch and … [Read more...]

Canada: Suspend All Transfer and Sale of Arms to Saudi Arabia | Letter

Full PDF Thursday, January 09, 2020 The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0A6 Email: The Honourable Mary Ng, MP Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and … [Read more...]

Canada: International Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2020 | Event

Full PDF Version International Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2020 The Role of the Legal Profession in Defending the Rule of Law in Pakistan The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is a time to reflect on the work of lawyers who face persecution, physical danger, and reprisal in defending the … [Read more...]

Canada: Exempt Mohamed Harkat from Deportation | Letter

Full PDF   December 10, 2019 The Honourable Bill Blair, P.C., M.P. Minister of Public Safety 269 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Canada K1A 0P8 Dear Minister Blair, Today is December 10, International Human Rights Day. Ironically, it also marks the 17th anniversary of Mohamed Harkat … [Read more...]

Colombia: Beyond Borders | Event

Full PDF Version Beyond Borders: Climate change, human rights, and the struggle for peace in Columbia Meet lawyers from the women’s lawyers collective CCALP Meet a human rights defender from CREDHOS Hear about important legal cases, litigation successes and aggressions advocates … [Read more...]

Myanmar: Canada Urged to take Immediate Action on the Ongoing Genocide Against the Rohingya People in Myanmar by Initiating ICJ Proceedings | Letter

Full PDF (ENG) | Full PDF (FR) An Open Letter released 25 June 2019 endorses a Senate Motion 476 to Urge the Government [of Canada] to invoke the Genocide Convention to hold Myanmar to its obligations and to seek Provisional Measures for the Rohingya People. Thirty-four senators and more than 100 … [Read more...]

Myanmar: Canada’s Obligation to Hold Myanmar Accountable for Genocide: Pass Senate Motion 476 | Briefing Note

Full PDF Version Canada’s obligation to hold Myanmar accountable for genocide: Pass Senate Motion 476 Press Conference, West Block, Parliament of Canada, Ottawa 13 June 2019, 10:30 am Briefing Note (summarized for delivery at the press conference) Catherine Morris, BA, JD, … [Read more...]

Canada: Obligation to Hold Myanmar Accountable for Genocide: Immediately Pass Motion No 476 | Letter

Full PDF Version 12 June 2019 Hon. Don Plett Opposition Whip in the Senate Member of the Senate Conservative Caucus The Senate of Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A4 Email: Hon. Andrew Scheer Leader of the Opposition House of Commons Ottawa Ontario K1A … [Read more...]

Canada: Bill C-262 Must be Approved by the Senate Immediately | Letter

Full PDF Version June 6, 2019 Members of the Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples The Senate of Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A4 By email to all members of the committee Dear Senators, Bill C-262 must be approved by the Senate immediately Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada … [Read more...]

Cameroon: See the World Through Their Eyes | Event

Full PDF Version See the World Through Their Eyes Exposing the human rights catastrophe and evidence of crimes against humanity Date: June 3, 2019 Time: 4:20PM Location: Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec Support the struggle for human rights in Cameroon. Register at … [Read more...]