Mass Arrest, Detention and Disappearance of Lawyers and Other Rights Advocates in China: Report to the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers

Full PDF Version Mass arrest, detention and disappearance of lawyers and other rights advocates in China Since 9 July 2015, the Government of the People’s Republic of China (China) has conducted country-wide reprisals against criminal defence and human rights lawyers, law firm staff, family … [Read more...]

China: Mass Arrest, Detention and Disappearance of Lawyers and Other Rights Advocates in China | Report

Full PDF Version LRWC calls on UN Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups to come to the aid of lawyers and their associates under seige by state authorities in China. Since the beginning of July 2015 over 284 human rights lawyers have been wrongfully arrested in a country-wide campaign to close … [Read more...]

China: The Recent Arrest of a Large Group of Human Rights Lawyers 关于:近期对大批人权律师的逮捕 | Joint Letter

Full PDF Version (Chinese) 关于:近期对大批人权律师的逮捕 | Full PDF Version (English) Twenty-four international human rights organizations including LRWC endorsed an open letter condemning the large scale round-up and detention of human rights defenders in China. As of 19 July 2015, a total of  at … [Read more...]

China: Canada must oppose wrongful arrests of lawyers and others | Letter

See full pdf letter See 15 July 2015 letter to PRC President Xi Jinping 16 July 2015 The Honourable Robert Nicholson Minister of Foreign Affairs House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Fax: 613-996-9709 Email: Dear Minister, Re: China: Incommunicado … [Read more...]

China: Coordinated Harassment, Incommunicado Detention and Disappearances of Lawyers and Other Human Rights Defenders | Letter

Full PDF Version LRWC is alarmed and gravely concerned about the coordinated campaign of mass arrest and detention of more than 190 lawyers and other human rights defenders since 10 July 2015 in a systematic crackdown on legitimate dissent in China. While the majority of those detained have been … [Read more...]

Oral Statement to the UN Human Rights Council: UPR Outcomes: China | Statement

Full .pdf document Check Against Delivery Date: 19 March 2014 HRC section: Agenda Item 6 Speaker: Ms. Vani Selvarajah Oral Statement to the 25th Session of the UN Human Rights Council Regular Session - Oral Statement Item 6: UPR Outcomes: China Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada … [Read more...]

China: Submissions to the Universal Periodic Review of China | Reports

PDF of LRWC's submissions to the UPR of China LAWYERS FOR LAWYERS (L4L) AND LAWYERS’ RIGHTS WATCH CANADA (LRWC) JOINT UPR SUBMISSION – PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, MARCH 2013 1.   Lawyers for Lawyers (hereinafter ‘L4L’) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (‘LRWC’) submit this report on the state of … [Read more...]

China: The extended and continuing illegal persecution of Mao Hengfeng by Chinese officials | Letter

Re: The extended and continuing illegal persecution of Mao Hengfeng by Chinese officials To: Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China From: Clive Ansley, LRWC China Country Monitor; Gail Davidson, Executive Director, LRWC Date: January 9, 2013 For a PDF version, please click … [Read more...]

China: The Persecution of Ni Yulan | Letter

Premier WEN Jiabao The State Council General Office 2 Fuyoujie, Xichengqu, Beijingshi 100017, People's Republic of China Fax: 011 86 10 6596 1109 (c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Dear Mr. Premier: Re: The Persecution of Ni Yulan Lawyers Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) promotes advocacy … [Read more...]

GAO ZHISHENG – human and civil rights lawyer

Gao Zhisheng, human and civil rights lawyer who recently urged Chinese leaders to end their persecution of Falun Gong, officially declared his resignation from the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities been harassing and threatening renowned Beijing human rights … [Read more...]