China: Released Chinese rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang finally reunites with family

Human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang was released from detention on 5 April 2020. He was arrested during the “709 Crackdown” (which started on July 9th in 2015). After being secretly detained in a secret location for more than 1200 days, Wang Quanzhanghe was tried behind closed doors on 26 December … [Read more...]

China: Wang Quanzhang should be free to join his family | Joint Statement

Full PDF Version (English) Full PDF Version (Chinese) Chinese human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang endured more than 1200 days of arbitrary detention in the absence of any due process and in January 2019 was sentenced to four and a half years in prison. Wang was released on 5 April 2020 … [Read more...]

China: Landmark Decision from London People’s Tribunal | Article

Landmark Decision from London People’s Tribunal[*] Clive Ansley[**] For almost thirty years, China has been running a hugely lucrative Murder for Organs Industry in which scores of thousands of China’s citizens are systematically examined for blood type, tissue type, and organ condition, … [Read more...]

China: Joint Statement Concerning the Personal Freedom of Wang Quanzhang After His Release | Joint Statement

Full PDF (ENG) / Full PDF (CHN) 3 April 2020 Joint Statement Concerning the Personal Freedom of Wang Quanzhang After His Release Chinese human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang is expected to be released after completing his sentence on 5 April 2020. Wang Quanzhang was arrested during … [Read more...]

China: Arrest of Human Rights Monitors in Breach of the Hong Kong Government’s International Obligations | Press Release

Full PDF (ENG) / Full PDF (CHN) Photo credit: Amnesty Arrest of human rights monitors in breach of the Hong Kong government’s international obligations 11 February 2020 Today, 24 human rights organizations published an open letter to Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, … [Read more...]

China: Arrest of Human Rights Monitors in Breach of the Hong Kong Government’s International Human Rights Obligations | Joint Letter

Full PDF (ENG) Photo credit: Amnesty JOINT OPEN LETTER - ARREST OF HUMAN RIGHTS MONITORS IN BREACH OF THE HONG KONG GOVERNMENT’S INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS OBLIGATIONS 11 February 2020 Dear Chief Executive, We, the undersigned human rights organizations, write to you in regard … [Read more...]

China: Immediately Release Arbitrarily Detained and Disappeared Lawyers and Activists | Letter

Full PDF Ding Jiaxi, 52, disbarred lawyer, former prisoner of conscience, and Beijing resident Source: Lawyers for Lawyers Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China The State Council General Office 2 Fuyoujie Xichengqu Beijingshi 100017 People’s Republic of … [Read more...]

Hong Kong – International law obligation to ensure investigation of police violence | Press release

Full Letter (ENG) Press Release(ENG) | Press Release (CHN) Police violence against Hong Kong protesters Photo credit: Flickr HONG KONG – International law obligation to ensure investigation by independent specialists of police violence and misconduct FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 19 December … [Read more...]

Hong Kong: Need for an Independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate unlawful use of force by Hong Kong Police Force and other non-state actors | Letter

Full Letter (ENG) Press Release(ENG) | Press Release (CHN) Police violence against Hong Kong protesters Photo credit: Flickr 19 December 2019 Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor Chief Executive of Hong Kong Office of the Chief Executive 1 Tim Wa Avenue Tamar, Hong Kong Email: … [Read more...]

China: Open Letter to the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China and All China Lawyers Association | Letter

Full PDF Wang Quanzhang, lawyer RE: An open letter to the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China and All China Lawyers Association Dear Minister Fu Zhenghua and President Wang Junfeng, Over the past 40 years, China has repeatedly promised to reform the Chinese legal … [Read more...]