Myanmar (Burma) Campaigns

Re: Mr. U Aye Myint, Human Rights Lawyer (1)

Re: Mr. U Aye Myint, Human Rights Lawyer To: Senior General Than Shwe, Ministry of Defence From: Paul Copeland, LRWC Date: 2006-01-25 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (“LRWC”) is a committee of Canadian lawyers providing support internationally to advocates whose rights, safety, or … [Read more...]

Re: Mr. U Aye Myint, Human Rights Lawyer (2)

Re: Mr. U Aye Myint, Human Rights Lawyer To: Dr. Tun Shin, Director General, Office of the Attorney General From: Paul Copeland, LRWC Date: 2005-11-15 I am writing as a member of LRWC, in response to information obtained from sources in Myanmar indicating that U Aye Myint, a lawyer from … [Read more...]

Burma: AYE MYINT – Lawyer

Lawyer, Aye Myint from Pegu, Burma was detained for allegedly supplying the International Labour Organisation (ILO) with false information. On 10th October, 2005 Myint was taken to nearby Daik-U Township court for trial. Members of local authorities and Union Solidarity and Development … [Read more...]

Re: Mr. U Aye Myint, Human Rights Lawyer (3)

Re: Mr. U Aye Myint, Human Rights Lawyer To: Senior General Than Shwe, Ministry of Defence, Burma From: Paul Copeland, LRWC Date: 2005-10-25 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (“LRWC”) is a committee of Canadian lawyers providing support internationally to advocates whose rights, safety, or … [Read more...]

Re: Arrest and Trial of U Aye Myint

Re: Arrest and Trial of U Aye Myint To: Senior General Than Shwe From: Paul Copeland, Chair of LRWC Date: 2005-10-18 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (“LRWC”) is a committee of Canadian lawyers providing support internationally to advocates whose rights, safety, or independence are … [Read more...]

LRWC Burma Country Report: April 2005

Copeland, Paul The political situation in Burma is worse than before, if that is possible. Democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi is still under house arrest. This time she has been held for 22 months, and still counting. The other senior leader of the National League for Democracy, U Tin Oo, has been … [Read more...]


KHUN TUN OO – Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) Chair, SAI NYUNT LWIN – SNLD Secretar, SAI HLA AUNG – SNLD Central Committee Member, SAO KYAR OO – SNLD Member, U MYINT THAN - Shan New Generation Youth Member, GENERAL HSO TEN – Shan State Peace Council (SSPC) Chairman, U SHWE OHN – … [Read more...]

Re: Khun Tun Oo and others

Re: Khun Tun Oo, and others To: Senior General Than Shwe, State Peace and Development Council From: Paul D. Copeland, member of LRWC Date: 2005-03-08 LRWC has recently become gravely concerned about the safety and well being of the 7 above-mentioned people who were detained in Burma on … [Read more...]

Burma: Ko Htay, U Aung or Maung Htay, Aye Kyaw Zwa and others

Ko Htay, U Aung or Maung Htay, Aye Kyaw Zwa and others At least 30 people, including 2 or 3 lawyers have been arrested and detained since September 25 2002. Their whereabouts is unknown and Amnesty International reports that they may be at risk of torture and/or ill treatment by the military. All … [Read more...]

Burma: CHENG PO – Lawyer

On September 13th 2000, lawyer Cheng Po(also spelled Chein Poe), as reported by IFEX, was convicted in prison where he had been held since his arrest in July. He was sentenced to two consecutive 7 year sentences for distributing foreign news articles. LRWC ACTION A letter was sent to the … [Read more...]