Türkiye Campaigns

Turkey: July trial ignored fundamental guarantees of the rights of the defence | Joint press release

From July 16 to 18, 2012, our organisations attended in Istanbul the opening of the trial indicting 46 lawyers, 3 of their staff members and 1 journalist. They insist that identifying a lawyer with his client amounts to an unacceptable criminalization of the lawyers' profession.   Our … [Read more...]

Turkey: 18 rights and lawyers’ groups express concern to the UN as a trial against 46 lawyers under terrorism charges is due to open on July 16 | Joint press release

Amsterdam-Ankara-Brussels-Geneva-Grenoble-Montpellier-Ottawa-Paris-Rennes, July 13, 2012. 18 rights and lawyers' groups express concern to the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers and to the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders as a trial under … [Read more...]

Turkey: Ongoing judicial harassment against lawyers, jeopardizing their independence | Joint letter

Joint letter from LRWC and 15 other organisations regarding the "Lawyers' trial" in Turkey, scheduled to take place 16-18 July 2012. "We fear that justice is misused as a weapon to repress, intimidate and punish lawyers, through criminal proceedings that blatantly violate the right to a fair … [Read more...]

Turkey: Police raid of NGO offices in Diyarbakir | Letter

Re: Police raid of NGO offices in Diyarbakir To: Mr. Abdullah Gül, President of Turkey From: Naveen P. Mehta, LRWC Member Date: 2012-01-26 I am writing on behalf of the 250,000 members of United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (UFCW), the largest private sector union in Canada, … [Read more...]

Turkey: Call for the release and the end of judicial harassment against lawyers | Joint letter

Re: Call for the release and the end of judicial harassment against lawyers To: Mr. Abdullah Gül, President, and Mr. Sadullah Ergin, Minister of Justice Republic of Turkey From: International Federation for Human Rights, LRWC, the World Organisation Against Torture, the Conférence … [Read more...]

Turkey: The arrest, detention and prosecution of Filiz Kalayci | Letter

Re: The arrest, detention and prosecution of Filiz Kalayci To: President Abdullah Gül; Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan; and others From: John Cotter, LRWC Member Date: 2009-10-27 LRWC has been informed of a serious situation involving a lawyer and human rights defender in … [Read more...]

Turkey: Orhan Kemal Cengiz, lawyer and journalist | Letter

Re: Orhan Kemal Cengiz To: Mr. Ercument Yilmaz From: Greg Allen, LRWC Date: 2008-02-25 Orhan Kemal Cengiz is a lawyer and journalist who has worked to defend human rights in Turkey for 15 years. He is a founding member of a number of human rights initiatives in Turkey, including … [Read more...]

Turkey: Mr. Ali Oncu. Mr. Edip Yasar, and others | Letter

Re: Mr. Ali Oncu. Mr. Edip Yasar, and others To: Mr. Ahmet Necdet Sezer, President of Turkey From: Russell C. MacKay, member of LRWC Date: 2006-04-13 I am writing, as a member of LRWC, in response to information obtained from the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights … [Read more...]

Turkey: Mr. Ali Oncu, Mr. Edip Yasar, and others | Letter

Re: Mr. Ali Oncu, Mr. Edip Yasar, and others To: Mr. Ahmet Necdet Sezer, President of Turkey From: Charles B. Davison, member of LRWC Date: 2006-04-11 I am writing to you at this time concerning the situation of a number of lawyers and other human rights defenders in your country … [Read more...]