Bahrain: Report on Bahrain’s Attorney General Dr. Ali bin Fadhel Al-Buainain and his position in the International Association of Prosecutors | Report

Full PDF Version Report on Bahrain’s Attorney General Dr. Ali bin Fadhel Al-Buainain and his position in the International Association of Prosecutors, April 15, 2013. This report produced by Ceartas Irish Lawyers for Human Rights, examines actions (arrests, prosecution and in-custody … [Read more...]

Cambodia: Mam Sonando Released | Joint Press Release

PDF version Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LWRC) are pleased to note that Mam Sonando, a Cambodian broadcaster who had been detained for exercising his right to freedom of expression, has been released. He was … [Read more...]

Zimbabwe: Unlawful arrest and detention of Beatrice Mtetwa | Letter

PDF version To: Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe; CC: Officer in Charge, Harare Police; Patrick Chinamasa, Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs; Khembo Mohadi, co-Minister of Home Affairs; Augustine Chihuri, Commissioner-General of Police; Johannes … [Read more...]

Costa Rica: Harassment of Environmental Defenders | Letter

PDF version To: Laura Chinchilla Miranda, Presidente de la República; Fernando Ferraro Castro, Ministro de Justicia y Paz From: Gail Davidson, Executive Director, LRWC; Marion Caussanel, LRWC Re: Your reply to LRWC concerns with the harassment of environmental defenders by means of legal … [Read more...]

Burma: Attacks on demonstrators; Arrest of political dissident, Nyi Nyi Lwin (U Gambira) | Letter

Attacks and arrests of peaceful demonstrators 29 November and 3 December LRWC has been extremely disturbed by the violent police crackdown on 29 November 2012 against peaceful villagers and monks demonstrating against expansion of the Lapadaung Taung Copper Mine. More than 50 monks and 40 villagers … [Read more...]

Bangladesh: New legislation threatens freedoms of assembly, association, opinion, and expression | Letter

Re: New legislation threatens freedoms of assembly, association, opinion, and expression  To: Dr. Gauhar Rizvi, Honourable Adviser to the Prime Minister, International Affairs From: Siobhan Airey, M.Sc., LLM, PhD candidate, LRWC Date: December 3, 2012 I am writing to you on behalf of … [Read more...]

Honduras: Impunity for murders of human rights defenders in Honduras: Shooting of Mr. Antonio Trejo

Re: Impunity for murders of human rights defenders in Honduras: Shooting of Mr. Antonio Trejo To: Sr. Porfirio Lobo Sosa, President, Republic of Honduras From: Gail Davidson, Executive Director; Andrew Guaglio, LRWC Date: September 27, 2012 I am writing on behalf of Lawyers Rights Watch Canada … [Read more...]

Oral Statement on Cambodia at the UN Human Rights Council 25 September 2012

Lawyers Rights Watch Canada and Asian Legal Resource Centre made a joint statement at the UN Human Rights Council on 25 September on the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia. Mentioned in the statement are human rights defenders Mr. Chan Soveth, Ms. Yorm … [Read more...]

Oral Statement | Call to Condemn Reprisals against Human Rights Defenders: 21st Session of the Human Rights Council

Despite several calls for action, a number of states continue to engage in reprisals against human rights defenders– among these countries are Bahrain, Malawi, Sri Lanka and Sudan. Read the full statement here (pdf). … [Read more...]

Burma: Lawyer Saw Kyaw Kyaw Min | Letter

In October 28, 2008, lawyer Saw Kyaw Kyaw Min was accused of engaging in an offence described as contempt of court / disrupting judicial servants while defending clients in a criminal proceeding. The alleged criminal act involved Saw Kyaw Kyaw Min's refusal to make his clients face the court after … [Read more...]