Colombia Campaigns

Colombia: Protecting Access to Justice, Report of the Third International Caravana to Colombia, 21 May 2013 | Report

Full PDF Version The report of the third Colombia Carvana contains the findings of the delegation of lawyers and judges who visited Colombia in August 2012 to for the purposes of: investigating risks faced by judges, lawyers and other human rights defenders in Colombia, providing support and making … [Read more...]

Colombia: Report of Judge Delegates of the Colombia Caravana | Report

PDF Version In April, 2013 the judge delegates of the Colombia Caravana issued the report of their findings. The Honourable Carol Huddart, retired justice of the BC Court of Appeal, attended the Caravana on behalf of LRWC. The judges found, inter alia, that: "[i]n all regions visited by the … [Read more...]

Colombia: Members of José Alvéar Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective v. Colombia | Amicus Curiae

LRWC and Lawyers Without Borders Canada (LWBC) have prepared joint submission amicus curiae submissions for consideration by the IACHR in the matter of Members of José Alvéar Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective v. Colombia, Case No. 12.380 (English version | Spanish version). This case is based on … [Read more...]

Colombia: Amenazas de muerte contra abogados Jorge Molano y German Romero

Los señores Molano y Romero son reconocidos abogados defensores de derechos humanos. Jorge Molano ha trabajado como jurista y defensor de derechos humanos para varias  organizaciones. Desde 2005 ha trabajado como abogado independiente y asesor jurídico de algunas Organizaciones No Gubernamentales … [Read more...]

LRWC delegates join 40 jurists on 3rd annual international visit to scrutinize attacks and murders of Colombian human rights lawyers

Thanks to all donors for enabling LRWC’s participation in the Third Caravana of Lawyers to Colombia Twenty-eight lawyers murdered in Colombia since 2011 LRWC sent two delegates to participate in the Third International Caravana of Lawyers to Colombia, which took place from August 26 to … [Read more...]

Colombia: Amenaza en contra de MARTHA DÍAZ, COLEMAD y AFUSODO

LRWC tuvo dos representantes que participaron en la Tercera Caravana Colombiana de Juristas de 2012: Justice Carol Huddart (jueza) y Heather Neun (abogada). Dado su participación y presencia en el pais, LRWC esta altamente preocupado por la seguridad de los integrantes y sus familiares del Colectivo … [Read more...]

3rd International Caravana of Lawyers 2012 – Lawyers in Colombia need your help

See the report of the visit See the donors who helped make the LRWC delegation possible Sin Abogados, No Hay Justicia!  Without Lawyers, there is no Justice! In Colombia, being a lawyer can be a matter of life and death. This is a country where lawyers are the victims - where 334 lawyers … [Read more...]

Colombia: Seguridad personal y profesional del abogado José Humberto Torres

Re: Seguridad personal y profesional del abogado José Humberto Torres To: Honorable Presidente Juan Manuel Santos Calderón From: Heather Neun, Juris Doctor, M.Phil Date: 2012-03-19 La organización, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), quiere manifestar su preocupación profunda por la … [Read more...]

Colombia: Amenazas de muerte en contra del abogado Julio Cesar Rosero

Re: Amenazas de muerte en contra del abogado Julio Cesar Rosero To: Presidente Juan Manuel Santos; Rodrigo Rivera Salazar, Ministerio de Defensa From: Gail Davidson, Executive Director, LRWC; Pascal Paradis, Director General, LWBC Date: 2011-06-14 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC)1 y … [Read more...]

Colombia: Death Threat to Lawyer Julio Cesar Rosero

Re: Death Threat to Lawyer Julio Cesar Rosero To: President Juan Manuel Santos; Rodrigo Rivera Salazar, Minister of Defense From: Vicheka Lay Date: 2011-06-12 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is concerned for the personal and professional safety of lawyer Julio Cesar Rosero. On June 2 … [Read more...]