Myanmar: Widespread, systematic gross human rights violations | Joint oral statement to the UN Human Rights Council

See the full interactive diologue See the full interactive dialogue at 51:52:03. United Nations Human Rights Council, 48th Session Agenda Item: Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner for Human Rights’ written update on Myanmar 24 September 2021 Oral Statement (Check against … [Read more...]

Iran and Turkey: Systematic attacks on lawyers denies the right to legal representation | Joint oral video statement to the UN Human Rights Council

Full pdf statement (EN). See the video on UN WebTV (LRWC, IBA, L4L, LSEW statement at 02:44:17) Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 3: General debate on civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development Date: 22 September … [Read more...]

Protect Afghanistan’s truth-tellers: Human rights defenders in a world of diplomatic doublespeak | Article

This article was first published at, Canada's online legal magazine, on 15 September 2021. Protect Afghanistan’s truth-tellers: Human rights defenders in a world of diplomatic doublespeak Written by Catherine Morris In 2021 the world has witnessed the abject failure of … [Read more...]

Sri Lanka and Afghanistan: Oral Statement to the 48th Session of the UN Human Rights Council | UN Statement

Full pdf statement (EN) Video of full debate: See the opening statements and reports of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights during Item 2 of the 48th session. Second meeting with report on Afghanistan. See the general debate: 3rd meeting, 4th meeting, and 5th meeting (LRWC's statement is at … [Read more...]

Colombia: Mid-term report on implementation of UPR recommendations | Joint report of L4L, LRWC, and the Colombia Caravana

Full report pdf (EN) In 2018, the UN Human Rights Council conducted its third regular Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Colombia. During the UPR, Colombia received and accepted 28 recommendations for protection of human rights defenders, including lawyers. In September 2021, LRWC joined … [Read more...]

Responding to Scholars under Threat in Asia: Afghanistan and Beyond | UVic online event

Speakers: Susan Breau: Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria; specializing in international humanitarian and human rights law Phil Calvert: Former Canadian Ambassador to Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos; CAPI Senior Fellow Viviana Fernandez: National Steering Committee Chair, … [Read more...]

Afghanistan: Joint statement seeks fact finding mechanism | Joint Statement to the UN Human Rights Council 31st Special Session

Full PDF statement (EN) Special Session video: 1st meeting; 2nd meeting (LRWC statement at 09:46); Statements regarding action on the resolution. Full text of statements of all speakers from UN Experts, States and NGOs Organization:  Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item:  31st Special … [Read more...]

Burundi: The Human Rights Council should continue its scrutiny | Joint letter

Full pdf letter (EN) | Full pdf letter (FR) LRWC is among 43 NGOs signing a letter to member and observer states of the UN Human Rights Council seeking renewal of the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi for a further year. See the full letter and signatories below. See the pdf versions … [Read more...]

Afghanistan: Statement of Lawyers Rights Watch Canada: Uphold the rule of law in Afghanistan | Press release

Full pdf press release (EN) UPDATE: See LRWC's oral statement to the UN Human Rights Council, 24 August 2021. Statement of Lawyers Rights Watch Canada: Uphold the rule of law in Afghanistan  Immediate release August 17, 2021 - Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) deplores the Taliban’s … [Read more...]

China: UN Universal Periodic Review mid-term report | Joint report

Full UPR mid-term .pdf report (EN) In preparation for the UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of China in 2024, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada joined Lawyers for Lawyers in submitting a  mid-term report. The report sets out the extent to which China has implemented the … [Read more...]