GAO ZHISHENG – human and civil rights lawyer (Update)

Gao Zhisheng, human and civil rights lawyer who recently urged Chinese leaders to end their persecution of Falun Gong, officially declared his resignation from the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities been harassing and threatening renowned Beijing human rights … [Read more...]

Denial of justice at the Missing Women Commission more than a shame to the country

by Catherine Morris and Gail Davidson 14 September 2011 Opinion published in the Vancouver Sun, and the Victoria Times Colonist The B.C. government's refusal to provide legal representation to groups granted standing at the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry is more than a national shame. It's … [Read more...]

Cambodia: Draft Penal Code: Criminal defamation

On April 28th, 2006 the Alliance for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia (AFEC), a network of 28 Cambodian civil society organizations, and ARTICLE 19, an international human rights NGO, welcome the decision of the Council of Ministers to amend Article 63 of the UNTAC (United Nations Transitional … [Read more...]

Support Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada’s work

LRWC is volunteer-run and is funded exclusively by membership fees and private donations. Donations are eligible for charitable receipts in Canada. See more about LRWC's work.     Donation cheques for Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada may be mailed to: Lawyers' Rights Watch (Legal … [Read more...]