Iran: Systematic and widespread arbitrary detention of lawyers and other human rights defenders| Joint written statement to the UN Human Rights Council

Full .pdf written statement See written statement on UN website  Joint written statement submitted by Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada, International Bar Association, Lawyers for Lawyers, The Law Society, non-governmental organizations in special consultative status Iran: Systematic and … [Read more...]

Russia: Suppression of dissent facilitates aggression and atrocity crimes in Ukraine | Joint written statement to the UN Human Rights Council

Full pdf written joint statement | See the written statement on the UN Human Rights Council website UPDATE: Also see the joint oral statement to the UN Human Rights Council on 14 June 2022. The statements call for the creation of a Special Rapporteur to document and address the human rights … [Read more...]

Eritrea: Extend the UN Special Rapporteur mandate and enshrine his “benchmarks for progress” | Joint letter to member and observer States of the UN Human Rights Council

Full .pdf letter (EN) 20 May 2022 To Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council (Geneva, Switzerland) Eritrea: Extend the UN Special Rapporteur mandate and enshrine his “benchmarks for progress” Excellencies, Ahead of the UN Human … [Read more...]

Qatar: Lawyers receive life sentence |  بيان مشترك: الحكمبالسجن المؤبدعلى محاميينقطريينقطريين | Joint Statement

Full .pdf joint statement (EN)   بيان مشترك: الحكمبالسجن المؤبدعلى محاميينقطريينقطريين 24 May 2022 The undersigned organisations are gravely concerned about the sentencing to life imprisonment of Qatari lawyers Hazza bin Ali Abu Shurayda al-Marri and Rashed bin Ali Abu Shurayda al-Marri by … [Read more...]

Tunisia: Arrest, Detention and Prosecution of Lawyer Abderrazak Kilani | Joint letter

Full .pdf letter On 10 May 2022, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada signed a joint letter to Tunisia's President Kais Saied expressing grave concern about the arrest, detention and prosecution before a military tribunal of Mr. Abderrazak Kilani, a lawyer and former President of The Law Society of … [Read more...]

Cambodia Should Scrap Rights-Abusing National Internet Gateway | Joint Statement

16 May 2022 We, the following 32 human rights organizations, call on the Cambodian authorities to revoke the Sub-Decree on the Establishment of the National Internet Gateway (NIG). Since passage of the sub-decree on February 16, 2021, the government has yet to address the serious human rights … [Read more...]

Thailand: Letter to US President Re Thailand’s Abusive Draft Law on Not-For-Profit Organizations | Joint Letter

Full .pdf joint letter May 12, 2022 President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. The White House Washington, DC Re: Thailand’s abusive draft law on not-for-profit organizations Dear President Biden, We, the undersigned non-profit organizations, are writing to express our serious concerns … [Read more...]

Ukraine: Deteriorating human rights situation in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression | Joint statement to the Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full pdf joint statement See the Special Session. LRWC / IBAHRI statement at 23:51 See the resolution adopted at the Special Session Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: 34th special session of the Human Rights Council on the deteriorating human rights situation in Ukraine … [Read more...]

Colombia: Report to UN Human Rights Committee | Joint submission

Full pdf joint report See the submission on the UN OHCHR site On 2 May 2022, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) joined Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) in a submission to the UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) in preparation for the next review of Colombia's implementation of the International … [Read more...]

China: UN High Commissioner must uphold principled and coherent response to China’s human rights crisis | 联合国高级专员必须坚持原则性和连贯性来应对中国的人权危机 | Joint statement

Full .pdf statement (EN) | Full pdf Statement (中文) 19 April 2022 UN High Commissioner must uphold principled and coherent response to China's human rights crisis 联合国高级专员必须坚持原则性和连贯性来应对中国的人权危机 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet announced on 8 March that she has secured a … [Read more...]