News / Events

The Omar Khadr Case: A Reality Check | Event

Full PDF Version Talk by: Dennis Edney Q.C. Date: December 5, 2013 Time: 7 - 9 PM Place: Simon Fraser University, Room 1700, Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver   Dennis Edney Q.C. will explain the facts and law behind plans to challenge the … [Read more...]

LRWC Newsletter: April 2013 Edition

Full Version (PDF) IN THIS ISSUE: LRWC Action News Bahrain: LRWC joined the initiative of Ceartas, Irish Lawyers for Human Rights asking the International Prosecutors’ Association (IPA) to investigate the complaint against IPA Executive Committee member, Dr. Ali bin Fadhel Al-Buainain, Attorney … [Read more...]

First Nations’ Rights Speaker Series: The Gap between Law and Practice – May 9, 2013

Savage Anxieties: Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights and the Not-So-Special Case of Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group v. Canada before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission Throughout the centuries, conquest, war, and unspeakable acts of racist violence and colonial dispossession have all been … [Read more...]

The Accountability Gap: Canadian Mining in Mexico (and Beyond) | April 17

Wednesday, April 17 Vancouver Public Library, central branch, lower level, 350 West Georgia Street Doors open at 6:30 pm for public reception / panel discussion at 7 pm Join us for a lively discussion on the impact Canadian mining companies are having on communities in Mexico and elsewhere in … [Read more...]

Free Omar Khadr Now – April 16, 2013

Dennis Edney, Q.C. Omar Khadr´s Lawyer, Recipient of B.C. 2009 Human Rights Award Tuesday, April 16, 2013  7:00 - 9:00pm SFUHarbour Centre, 515 West Hastings St. on unceded Coast Salish territory Free Admission Omar Khadr was illegally captured by U.S. Special Forces in 2002 in Afghanistan … [Read more...]

Gladue Growing Pains: Racist Sentencing Discounts or Emancipation from Racist Sentencing? | March 20, 2013

Gladue Growing Pains Racist Sentencing Discounts or Emancipation from Racist Sentencing? Wednesday, March 20th, 2013, 12:00 to 1:30 PM Franklin Lew Forum, UBC Faculty of Law at Allard Hall 1822 East Mall, Vancouver, BC This event will commence with a salmon feast to welcome … [Read more...]

First Nations’ Rights Speaker Series: The Gap Between Law and Practice – February 28

Indigenous Law as a Solution to Resource Conflict in Treaty 8 Unconventional energy development made possible by hydraulic fracturing ("Fracking"), has massively increased energy development in Treaty 8, which contains the second largest hydrocarbon deposit on earth. This has led to litigation, … [Read more...]

Series: First Nations’ Rights: The Gap Between Law and Practice | Vancouver, January 24, 2013

Debunking the Doctrine of Discovery: Colonial Excuse for the Seizure of Land and the Oppression of Peoples Medieval European law allowed a monarch to claim any land discovered by one of his subjects if it was occupied by non-Christians. In the 16th century, war against Native Americans was … [Read more...]

Day of Dissent: December 7, 2012

Dissent is an indispensable component of a free and democratic society. Yet, across the globe the right to engage in dissent is increasingly threatened. Join us on Friday, December 7th -- the 64th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights --  as we examine the extent to which the … [Read more...]

Sri Lanka Universal Periodic Review Side Event

LRWC member Vani Sevalrajah attended the 14th Session of the UPR of Sri Lanka October 30-November 1 in Geneva. The UPR provided an opportunity to review efforts made by Sri Lanka to fulfill obligations human rights obligations and to address on going problems regarding: loss of independence of key … [Read more...]