Canada: Indigenous Rights and Rights of Foreign Victims | Oral Statement on UPR Outome to 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available (Chapter 21, at 00:45:47) Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 6: Universal Periodic Review Outcomes - Canada Date: 20 September 2018 Speaker: Paul Scambler Oral Statement to the 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from … [Read more...]

Canada: Ensure Independent and International Law-Compliant Investigation into RCMP Response to and Investigation of Extra-Judicial Killing of Colten Boushie | Letter

Full PDF Version The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP will conduce a Complaint and Public Interest Investigation of the RCMP response to and investigation of the extra-judicial killing of Colten Boushie on 9 August 2016 in Saskatchewan. LRWC has written to the CRCC setting … [Read more...]

Canada: Necessity to Ensure Appeal of R v Stanley Verdict | Letter

Full PDF Version Monday, March 12, 2018 Attorney General Don Morgan Office of the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General of Saskatchewan, Room 355, Legislative Bldg 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina SK Canada S4S 0B3 Fax: 1 306 787 1232 Email: Premier … [Read more...]

Canada: Ensure Independent Investigation and Appeal of Verdict in Colten Boushie Shooting | Letter

Full PDF Version Friday, March 9, 2018 Attorney General Don Morgan Office of the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General of Saskatchewan, Room 355, Legislative Bldg 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina SK Canada S4S 0B3 Fax: 1 306 787 1232 Email: Premier … [Read more...]

Honduras: Canada Has Blood On Its Hands – Justice in Honduras Requires a U-Turn in Canadian Foreign Policy | Press Release

PDF Version (English) | PDF Version (French) Canada Has Blood On Its Hands; Justice in Honduras Requires a U-Turn in Canadian Foreign Policy April 21, 2016 (Ottawa) Today, First Nations women leaders, legal and human rights activists called on the Canadian government to take a lead in … [Read more...]

Honduras: Murder of Ms. Berta Cáceres and Ill-Treatment of Witness and Injured party, Mr. Gustavo Castro Soto | Letter

Full PDF Version 11 March 2016 H.E. Juan Orlando Hernández Presidente de la República Casa Presidencial Bulevar Juan Pablo II Tegucigalpa, Honduras Email: Dear President, Re: Murder of Ms. Berta Cáceres and ill-treatment of witness and injured party, Mr. … [Read more...]

Canada: Canadian Groups Call for a National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Women and Implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | Joint Statement

Full PDF Version Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, the Native Women’s Association of Canada, BC CEDAW Group, Feminist Alliance for International Action, and International Women's Rights Project call on the federal government to immediately adopt and implement TRC recommendation to conduct public … [Read more...]

First Nations’ Rights Speaker Series: The Gap between Law and Practice – Cindy Blackstock: Justice for Children | Video

Cindy Blackstock: Justice for Children Pt.1 Cindy Blackstock: Justice for Children Pt.2 Cindy Blackstock: Justice for Children Pt.3 Cindy Blackstock: Justice for Children Pt.4 … [Read more...]

Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Access to Justice and Protection of Human Rights Defenders, Oral Intervention by LRWC to the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Access to Justice and Protection of Human Rights Defenders, oral intervention by LRWC to the UN Human Rights Council on 17 September  2014, presented by Catherine Morris. The video of Catherine Morris presenting this statement during the Panel … [Read more...]

Brazil: Death Threats against Indigenous Leader Mr. Davi Kopenawa | Letter

Full PDF Version Wednesday, August 13, 2014 H.E. Ms. Dilma Rousseff, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Palácio do Planalto Praça dos Três Poderes 70150-900 Brasília/DF Brazil Email: Dear President, Re : Death Threats against Indigenous … [Read more...]