Thailand: Allegation of Enforced Disappearance of Mr. Porlagee Rakcharoen (also known as Billy Rakchongcharoen), a Human Rights Defender

Full PDF Version Porlagee Rakcharoen | 5 May 2014 Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister Government House, Pitsanulok Road Dusit, Bangkok, 10399 Thailand Fax: +66 2 280 0858, Mr. Jarupong Ruangsuwan Minister … [Read more...]

Robert Morales: Land Rights are Human Rights | Video

Land Rights are Human Rights International human rights law can be a foundation for development of Canadian law Robert Morales Thursday, April 3, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level Central Library, 350 West Georgia St.  International human rights law is the framework … [Read more...]

First Nations’ Rights Speaker Series: The Gap between Law and Practice – May 1, 2014 | Poster

Full PDF Poster Pipelines and Indigenous Sovereignty: Kinder Morgan and Northern Gateway Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs and Chair of the OkanaganNation Alliance, with Ardith Walkem, lawyer, author and member of Nlaka'pamux Nation. Thursday, May … [Read more...]

Grand Chief Edward John – Consent or Consultation: Examining the Gap | Video

Consent or Consultation: Examining the Gap (Part 1): Consent or Consultation: Examining the Gap (Part 2): Consent or Consultation: Examining the Gap (Part 3):   Audio Resources: Podcast Download Centre To save each file, right-click the link and select "Download Linked File … [Read more...]

Consent or Consultation: Examining the Gap Powerpoint Presentation

Powerpoint Slides Grand Chief Edward John examines the gap between Canadian and international law—including the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples—regarding the right to consent and the duty to consult First Nations on issues affecting their rights. Grand Chief John is a … [Read more...]

First Nations’ Rights Speaker Series: The Gap between Law and Practice – Feb 20, 2014

Full PDF Poster Dr. Sayers is a Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria. She has served as Chief of the Hupacasath Nation, in the political executive of the First Nations Summit and as a member of the Leadership Council of BC. Thursday, Feb. 20, 7:00 – 8:30 … [Read more...]

First Nations’ Rights Speaker Series: The Gap between Law and Practice – Jan 30, 2014

Full Poster Consent or Consultation: Examining the Gap Grand Chief John is a lawyer, Hereditary Chief of Tl'azt'en Nation, Representative to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, a member of the First Nations Summit Political Executive and holds two honorary Doctor of Laws … [Read more...]

International Right to Legal Aid in Relation to the British Columbia Missing Women Commission of Inquiry | Report

Full PDF Version This summary of Canada’s international law duties to provide legal aid arising from provisions of United Nations and Organization of American States treaties was prepared for an investigation by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women … [Read more...]

Savage Anxieties | Video

Savage Anxieties Part 1: The Doctrine of Discovery Savage Anxieties Part 2: The Doctrine of Discovery As It Applies to Canada Savage Anxieties Part 3: The Hul'qumi'num Case before the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights Savage Anxieties Part 4: Q & A with Prof. Robert … [Read more...]

Presentation to James Anaya, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | Presentation

Full PDF Version Presentation to  James Anaya, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples  10 October 2013 My comments are focused on past, continuing and present violations of the rights of First Nations people to equality and non-discrimination and the need for … [Read more...]