Event | Grace Woo: Ghost Dancing with Colonialism, 12 January | Video

First Nations' Rights: The Gap Between Law and Practice: A Series of Five Talks The 2011-2012 series was sponsored by Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group (HTG), Amnesty International and the Vancouver Public Library. ALL TALKS IN THE SERIES: 1. Grace Woo: Ghost Dancing … [Read more...]

British Columbia: Missing Women Commission of Inquiry

Full PDF Version Re: Missing Women Commission of Inquiry Inequality in funding lawyers for groups appearing before Commission To: Honourable Shirley Bond, Attorney General From: Gail Davidson, Executive Director, LRWC; Catherine Morris, BA, LLB, LLM Date: 2011-10-22 Thank you … [Read more...]

Denial of justice at the Missing Women Commission more than a shame to the country

by Catherine Morris and Gail Davidson 14 September 2011 Opinion published in the Vancouver Sun, and the Victoria Times Colonist The B.C. government's refusal to provide legal representation to groups granted standing at the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry is more than a national shame. It's … [Read more...]

Canada: Petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group (on the merits) | Petition

IACHR:  LRWC on the Merits of the Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group Case No. 12.734 by Heather Neun, Grace Woo, Gail Davidson         LRWC amicus brief to the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights in the Hul'qumi'num case … [Read more...]

Mexico: Raúl Hernández, preso de conciencia y defensor de los de los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas

RE: Raúl Hernández, preso de conciencia y defensor de los de los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas To: Lic. Fernando Francisco Gómez Mont Urueta, Lic. Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo, Lic. David Augusto Sotelo Rosas From: Lic. Cara E.I. Gibbons Date: 2010-07-06 Dear Minister Gómez … [Read more...]

RAUL HERNANDEZ – Mexican Indigenous Human Rights defender

Raul Hernandez is a member of the Me'phaa Indigenous People's Organization (OPIM) which promotes the human right of the Me'phaa people in Guerrero State in Mexico. On April 17, 2008 he and four other OPIM members were arrested at a military checkpoint in Ayutla de los Libres, Guerrero for the … [Read more...]

Mexico: Ricardo Lagunes Gasca – Lawyer

Mr. RICARDO LAGUNES GASCA, a lawyer working for the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Centre, was attacked on 18 September 2009. He was leaving Ejido Jotola in Chilsn municipality after advising clients when an armed group of about 50 men and women blocked the road. Mr. Gasca was pulled from … [Read more...]

Philippines: Extra-judicial killings and disappearances

Extra-Judicial Killings of Jurists in the Philippines The Dutch Lawyers for Lawyers Foundation (L4L) published a report, From Facts to Action: Report on the Attack Against Filipino Lawyers and Judges, compiled by two Dutch judges and six Dutch and Belgian lawyers, on the unsolved murders of … [Read more...]

Mexico: MANUEL GOMEZ HERNANDEZ –human rights defender

Manuel Gómez Hernandez, male, human rights defender has been threatened, allegedly by a judge from the municipality of Zinacantán, in an apparent attempt to stop him carrying out his legitimate and peaceful activities as a human rights defender. Amnesty International fears that he may be in … [Read more...]

Ecuador: Julio Marcelo Prieto Mendez Guadalupe de Heredia, Alejandro Ponce Villacis, and four others

Julio Marcelo Prieto Méndez, male, member of a legal team representing indigenous communities taking legal action against the multinational oil company Chevron Texaco for failing to clean up the pollution allegedly caused by decades of drilling in Sucumbios. On May 19th, 2006 Julio Marcelo Prieto … [Read more...]