Mexico Letters

Sergio Dante Amaraz y Miriam Garcia and Blanca Guadalupe Lopez

Re: Sergio Dante Amaraz y Miriam Garcia and Blanca Guadalupe Lopez; investigacion de la muerte de Mario Escobedo Anaya To: General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha, Procurador General de la Republica From: Nerys Poole (sra.) Abogada y miembro de LRWC Date: 2003-03-12 Ref. la seguridad … [Read more...]

Samuel Alfonso Castellanos Pinon; Beatriz Casas Arellanes; and others

Re: Samuel Alfonso Castellanos Pinon; Beatriz Casas Arellanes; and others To: Lic. Jose Murat Casab, Gobernador del Estado de Oaxaca From: Dr. Brian Donovan Date: 2003-03-09 I write as a member of Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, a committee of Canadian lawyers whose mandate is to monitor … [Read more...]

Ernesto Ledesma Arronte, director of CAPISE

Re: Ernesto Ledesma Arronte, director of Centro de Análisis Político e Investigaciones Sociales y Económicas (CAPISE) To: Attorney General of Chiapas, Minister of the Interior Lic. Santiago Creel and Governor of Chiapas Pablo Salazar Mendiguchia From: Gail Davidson, Director, Lawyers Rights … [Read more...]

Mexico: ARTURO REQUENSES GALNARES – Human Rights Defender for ACAT

Arturo Requenses Galnares is a human rights defender for Acción de los Cristianos para la Abolición de la Tortura, (ACAT), Christian Action for the Abolition of Torture. Galnares has been working on several cases involving disappearances and allegations of torture in Mexico and has called for an … [Read more...]

Arturo Requenses Galnares, human rights defender

Re: Arturo Requenses Galnares, human rights defender To: Attorney General of the Republic, General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha From: Gail Davidson Date: 2002-07-24 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (“LRWC”) is a committee of Canadian lawyers providing support internationally to lawyers … [Read more...]


Mario César Escobedo Anaya, a 29-year-old defense lawyer in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico was killed in a police chase on February 5, 2002. At the time of the shooting Escobedo Anaya was the defense lawyer for Gustavo Gonzalaz Meza, one of two men accused of murdering eleven women in Ciudad Juárez. The … [Read more...]

Ricardo Lagunes Gasca y Carmen Aguilar Gómez

Re: Ricardo Lagunes Gasca y Carmen Aguilar Gómez To: Lic. Juan Camilo Mouriño Terrazo, Secretaría de Gobernación, Chiapas From: Lic. Cara E.I. Gibbons, Miembro de LRWC Date: 0000-00-00 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (“LRWC”) es un comité de abogados de Canadá que provee ayuda a personas … [Read more...]