Turkey: Demanding fair trial rights for detained lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal | Joint Statement

Advertisement PDF (TUR) Advertisement PDF (ENG) Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada has joined 34 lawyers' organizations and human rights groups, led by the Netherlands-based Lawyers for Lawyers, to advocate for the release of two Turkish lawyers, Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal, and to create … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Acceleration of extra-judicial killings of jurists in the Philippines | Written Joint Statement to the 44th session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full .pdf statement Link to document on UN Human Rights Council site Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada and the Asian Legal Resource Centre submitted a written statement to the UN Human Rights Council for its 44th session. The Statement is endorsed by the International Association of People's Lawyers. … [Read more...]

Reflections on the 19 June 2020 UN Human Rights Council resolution on systemic racism, police brutality, and unlawful suppression of peaceful protest | Publication

“You… are your brothers’ and sisters’ keepers”: Now is the time to move from words to deeds Reflections on the 19 June 2020 UN Human Rights Council resolution on systemic racism, police brutality, and unlawful suppression of peaceful protest Catherine Morris, Executive Director, Lawyers’ … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Urgent Debate on systemic racism, police brutality and violence against peaceful protest | Joint Oral Statement

Update 19 June 2020: UN Human Rights Council adopted by consensus resolution A/HRC/43/L.50 requesting the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights "to prepare a report on systemic racism, violations of international human rights law against Africans and people of African descent by law enforcement … [Read more...]

Thailand: Dismissal of criminal defamation cases against human rights defenders Ms. Sutharee Wannasiri and Mr. Nan Win | Update

On 8 June 2020, the Bangkok Criminal Court in Thailand dismissed charges of criminal defamation brought by Thai poultry company Thammakaset Co., Ltd, (Thammakaset) against human rights defenders Ms. Sutharee Wannasiri and Mr. Nan Win. LRWC welcomes the dismissal of these charges. Thammakaset has 30 … [Read more...]

Cameroon: Dismissal of human rights defender Mr. Felix Agbor Nkongho from University of Buea | Joint Letter

Full PDF (ENG) 9 June 2020 His Excellency Mr. Paul Biya President of the Republic of Cameroon Presidency of the Republic, Palais de l’Unité 1000 Yaoundé Republic of Cameroon Email: cellcom@prc.cm; contact@presidenceducameroun.com His Excellency Mr. Joseph Dion Nguté Prime … [Read more...]

USA: Request for UN Human Rights Council inquiry into US Police Violence | Joint Letter

Full PDF (ENG) Led by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) more than 600 civil society organizations from around the world, including Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada, joined family members of victims of police violence in the United States (US) in a joint letter calling on member states … [Read more...]

Bahrain: Human rights defender Nabeel Rajab released from prison | Update

Full PDF (ENG) On 9 June, human rights defender Nabeel Rajab was released from Bahrain's Jaw prison to serve a non-custodial sentence, after spending nearly four years in arbitrary detention in relation to tweets and media interviews criticising Bahrain’s human rights record. Along with … [Read more...]

Bangladesh: Investigate the murder of lawyer Mr. Asadul Hoque | Joint Statement

Full PDF (ENG) BANGLADESH: 24 International organizations and individuals condemn the murder of lawyer Asadul Hoque The Committee on Attacks on Lawyers, International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL), Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR), JusticeMakers Bangladesh, Lawyers … [Read more...]

Thailand government must end judicial harassment against woman/human rights defenders | Press Release | Joint Letter

Full PDF Letter (ENG) | Full PDF letter (Thai) June 7, 2020 Thailand government must end judicial harassment against woman/human rights defenders Immediate release Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada is among 53 groups and 23 individuals urging the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights and … [Read more...]