Indonesia: Support Letter for Ms. Veronica Koman | Joint Letter

Full PDF (ENG) Veronica Koman, human rights lawyer LRWC and L4L sent a joint letter calling on Indonesian authorities to withdraw criminal charges against human rights lawyer Veronica Koman, charged for disseminating information about police violence against Papuan students peacefully … [Read more...]

Human Rights Violations in Cameroon, Philippines, China, and Saudi Arabia | Oral Statement to the 42nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Live stream video, Chapter 74, 01:59:48 Full PDF Statement Check Against Delivery Item:                       Item 2, General Debate on the oral update of the High Commissioner of Human Rights Date:                       10 September 2019 Organization:        Lawyers' Rights Watch … [Read more...]

Saudi Arabia: Summary of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention | WGAD

Full PDF Version Waleed Abu al-Khair of Saudi Arabia Summary of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Opinions on arbitrary detentions in Saudi Arabia[1] The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) in Opinions published between 2002 and 2018 identified … [Read more...]

Viet Nam: Viet Nam and the Exile of Nguyễn Văn Đài and Lê Thu Hà | Working Paper

Full PDF Version Lê Thu Hà and Nguyễn Văn Đài INTRODUCTION This paper examines the right to return to and live in one’s own country as part of the right to liberty guaranteed by the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and other instruments. Freedom from exile is specifically … [Read more...]

Cambodia: The Roots of Cambodia’s persistent rights violations: Impunity of the powerful | Statement to the 42nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council

See UN document (without references) Download UN document (pdf) Full PDF version with references … [Read more...]

China: Open Letter on the Rule of Law in China | Joint letter

Full PDF (ENG) 9 September 2019 Open letter on the rule of law in China Across the People’s Republic of China, human rights violations are a systemic reality. Over the past year, the UN has once again documented legal and policy frameworks that fail to protect against discrimination; … [Read more...]

Thousands of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines: “A pattern of gross and systematic violations of human rights,” say seven legal organisations to the UN | Press release

Press Release_(.docx)  |  Press Release_(.pdf)  Thousands of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines: “A pattern of gross and systematic violations of human rights,” say seven legal organisations to the UN For immediate release 9 September 2019 – Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) was … [Read more...]

Philippines: Extrajudicial killing of jurists 2006-2019 | Appendix to joint written statement to the UN Human Rights Council

Link to written statement on UN website Link to written statement on LRWC website See LRWC's press release dated 9 September 2019. Note that since submission of this statement to the UN Human Rights Council, a 46th lawyer was assassinated in the Philippines on 5 September … [Read more...]

Philippines: Extrajudicial killing of jurists as part of a pattern of widespread and systematic violations of human rights  | Joint Written Statement to the 42nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full .pdf written statement as submitted to the Human Rights Council Link to document on UN website The online Appendix to this report lists the murdered jurists with dates of death and status of investigations as at 29 July 2019. A 46th lawyer was assassinated on 5 September 2019. See the … [Read more...]

China: Seeking a UN Commission of Inquiry into Forced Organ Harvesting in China | Joint letter

Full pdf letter August 2019 Update: Please see September 2019 Letter to Human Rights Council member States A joint letter to the UN High Commission for Human Rights signed by 28 organizations and individuals, seeking a UN Commission of Inquiry into Forced Organ Harvesting in … [Read more...]