Cambodia: UN Human Rights Council should address human rights crisis in Cambodia | Joint letter from 26 NGOs

Full text of the joint letter (.pdf) 30 August 2019 To Members and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council Re: UN Human Rights Council should address human rights crisis in Cambodia at its 42nd session Dear Excellency, The undersigned civil society … [Read more...]

Thailand: Ensure truth, justice, and reparations for victims of enforced disappearance | Written Statement to the UN Human Rights Council

Link to document on UN site Full written statement .pdf Joint written statement* submitted by Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada, non-governmental organization in special consultative status, and Asian Legal Resource Centre, non-government organization in general consultative status Thai Lawyers … [Read more...]

Cameroon: Rights groups seek UN intervention to end Cameroon atrocities | Press release

Full press release (pdf) | Full press release (.docx) Rights groups seek UN intervention to end Cameroon atrocities  Immediate release 26 August 2019 – Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), supported by the Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa (CHRDA) and the Raoul Wallenberg … [Read more...]

Human Rights Catastrophe in Cameroon | Written Statement to the 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council

Link to document on UN Human Rights Council site Full .pdf document Press Release (pdf) | Press release (.docx)   Joint written statement submitted by Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status. The Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in … [Read more...]

China: Joint Letter Regarding the Revocation of Lawyer Li Jinxing’s License | Joint Letter

Full PDF (ENG) August 14, 2019 Re: Joint Letter Regarding the Revocation of Lawyer Li Jinxing’s License China human rights lawyer Li Jinxing received a notice from the Shandong Provincial Department of Justice on 22 July 2019 regarding the administrative penalty of revocation of … [Read more...]

China: Denial of Medical Treatment to Lawyer Wang Quanzhang | Letter

Full PDF (ENG) 12 August 2019 His Excellency Mr. Xi Jinping, President of China The State Council General Office 2 Fuyoujie Xichengqu Beijingshi 100017 People’s Republic of China Email: RE: Denial of Medical Treatment to Lawyer Wang Quanzhang Your … [Read more...]

Turkey: International law obligations to release lawyer Nurullah Albayrak | Letter

Full PDF (ENG) Nurullah Albayrak, lawyer August 8, 2019 Mr. Abdulhamit Gül Minister of Justice 06659 Kizilay Ankara, Turkey Tel: +90 (0312) 417 77 70 Email: Re: International law obligations to release lawyer Nurullah Albayrak Dear Mr. Gül, We write on … [Read more...]

Zambia: Negative impact of proposed changes to Constitution on judicial independence | Joint news release

NEWS RELEASE [For immediate release: Monday 05 August 2019] Full PDF News Release Zambia: Organisations warn of potential negative impact of proposed changes to Constitution on judicial independence We, the undersigned organisations, are deeply concerned about the impact the Zambian … [Read more...]

UPR of Turkey: Joint Stakeholder Submission to the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version In July 2019, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada joined a coalition of legal organizations* led by the Law Society of England and Wales in a joint stakeholder submission for Turkey's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) by the UN Human Rights Council, scheduled to take place during the UPR's … [Read more...]

Turkey: International Law Obligations to Release Lawyer Eren Keskin | Letter

Full PDF (ENG) Eren Keskin, human rights lawyer July 19, 2019 Mr. Abdulhamit Gül Minister of Justice 06659 Kizilay Ankara, Turkey Tel: +90 (0312) 417 77 70 Fax: +90 (0312) 419 33 70 Email: Re: International law obligations to release lawyer Eren … [Read more...]