Turkey: Immediately Release and Drop Charges Against Lawyer Eren Keskin | Letter

Full PDF Version Eren Kesken, internationally respected human rights lawyer faces over 100 politically motivated and prosecutions in reprisal for her effective human rights advocacy on behalf of minorities and for her reporting on issues involving Kurdish people. All charges against her fail … [Read more...]

Viet Nam: Human Rights Committee Consideration of the Implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by Viet Nam | Joint Report

Full PDF Version Pham Van Troi, Nguyen Van Dai and Nguyen Trung Ton before the court during their trial LRWC and Lawyers for Lawyers, both NGOs with special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, have compiled a Joint Thematic Report for the UN Human … [Read more...]

Cameroon: Immediately End Judicial Harassment and Guarantee Protection of Jan Capelle, Elvis Brown and other OFFGO members | Letter

Full PDF Version In Cameroon, Jan Cappelle, founder of OFFGO, an organization opposing land grabbing and promoting perservationi of farm land and gorilla habitat, and OFFGO's lawyer Elvis Brown face death threats for pursuing a complaint with the National Commission On Human Rights and Freedoms. … [Read more...]

Pakistan: Prevent and Punish Unlawful Killings of Lawyers | Letter

Full PDF Version The 8 August 2016 Quetta hospital bombing that killed 54 lawyers LRWC calls on the Government of Pakistan to fulfill its international law obligations to prevent and punish the unlawful killings of lawyers.  The LRWC letter refers to the unlawful killing of 61 lawyers … [Read more...]

Turkey: Immediately Release and Ensure Adequate Medical Treatment for Mustafa Aydin | Letter

Full PDF Version Tuesday, April 17, 2018 President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan Cumhurbaskanligi 06100 Ankara, Turkey Fax: +90 312 468 5026 Email: cumhurbaskanligi@tccb.gov.tr Mr. Abdulhamit Gül Minister of Justice 06659 Kizilay Ankara, Turkey Tel: +90 (0312) 417 77 … [Read more...]

Sudan: Over 50 Critics Released Without Charge

Omar Al Bashir, President of Sudan Photo Credit: Human Rights Watch The government of Sudan released 56 opposition party members and human rights defenders without charge on 10 April 2018. Those released include Omer Yousef El Digair, the chairperson of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP), … [Read more...]

Viet Nam: Renewed Calls for Immediate Release of Nguyen Van Dai | Joint Letter

Full PDF Version Five NGOs again call for the immediate release of lawyer Nguyen Van Dai, detained since 18 December 2015 for his human rights advocacy and belonging to a human rights organization. In June 2017 the WGAD determined that his detention was arbitrary on four separate grounds … [Read more...]

Sudan: Ensure Legal Treatment and Adequate Remedy for Detention of Mohamed Abdallah El Doma, Saleh Mahmoud and Mohammed Al-Hafiz | Letter

Full PDF Version March 31, 2018 HE Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir Office of the President People’s Palace PO Box 281 Khartoum, Sudan email- info@presidency.gov.sd Idris Ibrahim Jameel Ministry of Justice PO Box 302, Al Nil Avenue Khartoum, Sudan Email- moj@moj.gov.sd Gen. … [Read more...]

China: Joint Submission to the 31st Session of the Universal Periodic Review

Full PDF Version   Joint Submission to the 31st Session of the  Universal Periodic Review  of  China  from  LAWYERS FOR LAWYERS and LAWYERS’ RIGHTS WATCH CANADA  MARCH 2018 Introduction Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) submit this report on … [Read more...]

Canada: Civil Society Statement Regarding Bill C-59, An Act Respecting National Security Matters | Joint Letter

Full PDF Version Version Complète en PDF La version française suit l'anglais Civil Society Statement Regarding Bill C-59, An Act Respecting National Security Matters Bill C-59 was explicitly introduced with the claim that it fixes “the problematic aspects” of its predecessor, Bill … [Read more...]