Bangladesh: Guarantee Freedoms of Movement, Peaceful Assembly, and Association of Adilur Rahman Khan and other Human Rights Defenders | Letter

Full PDF Version H. E. Ms. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Fax: +880 2 8113243, Email: Professor Dr. Gowher Rizvi, Adviser to the Prime Minister (International Affairs), Bangladesh. Fax: +880 2 9111312 Email: Md. Shahriar Alam, … [Read more...]

Turkey: Immediately and Unconditionally Release Idil Eser and 9 Other Human Rights Defenders | Letter

Full PDF Version LRWC calls on Turkey to immediately release Idil Eser, Director of Amnesty International Turkey and nine other human rights defenders arrested and detained on 5 July 2017 ostensibly for investigation of alleged membership in “an armed organization with the purpose of committing … [Read more...]

Sudan: Immediately Release Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, Hafiz Idris and Mobarak Adam Abdalla | Letter

Full PDF Version Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim July 13, 2017 HE Omar Hassan Ahmadal-Bashir Office of the President People’s Palace PO Box 281 Khartoum, Sudan HI Omar   Your Excellency: Re: Detention of Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, Hafiz Idris and Mobarak Adam Abdalla Lawyers … [Read more...]

Israel: Immediately Release Lawyer Muhammed Allan | Letter

Full PDF Version Tuesday, July 11 2017 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister’s Office 3 Kaplan St. Hakirya Jerusalem 91950, Israel Tel: 972-2-6705555 Fax: 972-2-5664838 Minister of Public Security Gilad Erdan The Ministry of Public Security Rehov … [Read more...]

Angola: Prosecution of Angolan Journalists Rafael Marques de Morais and Mariano Brás Lourenço Violates International Law | Joint Letter

Full PDF Version 7 July 2017 Kumar Gupta Canadian Ambassador to Angola, Botswana, and Zimbabwe 45 Baines Ave P.O. Box 1430 Harare, Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-252181-5 Email: Consulate of Canada Rua Rei Katyavala 113 C.P. 3360 Luanda, Angola Tel: … [Read more...]

Turkey: Immediately Release and Withdraw Charges against Taner Kilic and other Lawyers | Joint Letter

Full PDF Version July 4, 2017 H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan President of the Republic of Turkey T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Genel Sekreterliği 06100 Ankara, Turkey Fax: +90 312 468 5026 Email: Re: Arrest and Detention of Lawyer Taner Kiliç and 22 additional … [Read more...]

Viet Nam: Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Concludes Detention of Lawyer Nguyen Van Dai is Arbitrary and Unlawful, Calls for Immediate Release | WGAD Decision

Full PDF Version On 8 June 2017, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) concluded that the detention of human rights lawyer Nguyen Van Dai is arbitrary and unlawful and called for hie immediate release. Van Dai has been held incommunicado since his arrest on 16 December 2015. The WGAD … [Read more...]

Pakistan and Cameroon: Human Rights Defenders Require Access to Protective Measures | Oral Statement to the 35th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available Here (Chapter 25, at 43:37) The following statement prompted a reply from the delegation of Cameroon, which can be viewed here (Chapter 81, at 02:21:56) Organization:              Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item:                            Item … [Read more...]

Myanmar: Ensure Independent Legal Profession and Remedy Threats and Attacks Against Lawyers | Joint Oral Statement to the 35th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Forthcoming The following statement was delivered by Joseph Doyle, LRWC's Representative, on behalf of LRWC and Lawyers for Lawyers. Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and Lawyers for Lawyers Item: Item 4 – Interactive Dialogue with the Special … [Read more...]

States Must Ensure Independent Judiciary | Joint Oral Statement to the 35th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available Here (Chapter 1, at 04:34) The following statement was delivered by Laure Elmaleh of the International Bar Association, on behalf of Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada and other NGOs. United Nations Human Rights Council 35th Regular Session 06 June to … [Read more...]