China: NGOs Ask Council to Address China’s Campaign of Unlawful Reprisals Against Human Rights Advocates | Oral Statement

Full PDF Version A joint oral statement by Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, Lawyers for Lawyers and the Asian Legal Resource Centre asked Council to address China’s campaign of unlawful reprisals against lawyers and other human rights advocates and to request the High Commissioner for Human Rights to … [Read more...]

Thailand: LRWC Submission to the Universal Periodic Review, 25th Session, April – May 2016

PDF report (pdf) Lawyer's Rights Watch submission to the UN Human Rights Council for Thailand's Universal Periodic Revies in April-May 2016 discusses Thailand’s failure to comply with its international human rights obligations to guarantee: fair trial rights in accordance with the … [Read more...]

Saudi Arabia: NGOs Call on the UN Human Rights Council to Condemn Human Rights Abuses in Saudi Arabia | Joint Oral Statement

Full PDF Version A joint oral statement by Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, Lawyers for Lawyers and FIDH/OMCT called on Council to condemn gross, widespread and systemic human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia against human rights defenders. The statement was presented to the UN Human Rights Council … [Read more...]

Mass Arrest, Detention and Disappearance of Lawyers and Other Rights Advocates in China: Report to the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers

Full PDF Version Mass arrest, detention and disappearance of lawyers and other rights advocates in China Since 9 July 2015, the Government of the People’s Republic of China (China) has conducted country-wide reprisals against criminal defence and human rights lawyers, law firm staff, family … [Read more...]

China: Mass Arrest, Detention and Disappearance of Lawyers and Other Rights Advocates in China | Report

Full PDF Version LRWC calls on UN Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups to come to the aid of lawyers and their associates under seige by state authorities in China. Since the beginning of July 2015 over 284 human rights lawyers have been wrongfully arrested in a country-wide campaign to close … [Read more...]

Canada: NGOs Call for Improved Access to Information and Amendments to the Access to Information Act | Letter

Full PDF Version Twenty Canada-based NGOs including LRWC, the BCCLA and the International Civil Liberties Association, endorsed an open letter on 15 September 2015 calling for improved access to information as a vital part of democracy. The groups called on all federal parties to support amendments … [Read more...]

Argentina: Responsibilities of the Government of Argentina in the Death of Prosecutor Alberto Nisman | Letter

Full PDF Version 11 September 2015   Alejandra Magdalena Gils Carbó, Attorney General of Argentina Avenida de Mayo 760 Buenos Aires, B.A., Argentina Email   Dr. Julio Alak, Minister of Justice and Human Rights Sarmiento 329 C1041AAG, … [Read more...]

Egypt: Canadian Journalist Mohamed Fahmy | Letter

Full PDF Version This letter implores the Canadian government to take personal and immediate action to secure Mr. Fahmy’s deportation to Canada. … [Read more...]

Egypt: Letter Calling for Mr. Mohamad Fahmy’s Release from Prison and Return to Canada | Letter

Full PDF Version Hundreds of individuals endorsed a letter calling on the Prime Minister of Canada to ensure that journalist Mohamad Fahmy is released from prison in Egypt and returned to Canada. Mohamad Fahmy was convicted in Egypt of charges that criminalize freedoms of expression and … [Read more...]

Thailand: Phuket Journalists Ms. Chutima Sidasathian and Mr. Alan Morison prosecuted for criminal defamation for reporting on human trafficking of Rohingya and other migrants

UPDATE: Chutima Sidasathian and Alan Morison acquitted On 1 September 2015, journalists Ms. Chutima Sidasathian and Mr. Alan Morison were acquitted of criminal defamation under Articles 326 and 328 of the Thai Penal Code and Article 14(1) of the 2007 Computer Crimes Act. LRWC views the acquittal … [Read more...]