Canada: Canadian Groups Call for a National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Women and Implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | Joint Statement

Full PDF Version Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, the Native Women’s Association of Canada, BC CEDAW Group, Feminist Alliance for International Action, and International Women's Rights Project call on the federal government to immediately adopt and implement TRC recommendation to conduct public … [Read more...]

Colombia: 2014 Caravana of Lawyers Delegation – Cali/Valle del Cauca Report | Report

Full PDF Version 2014 Caravana of Lawyers Delegation - Cali/Valle del Cauca Report, International Colombia Caravana, June 2015. Report of the Fourth International Colombia Caravana investigation of dangers faced by lawyers and other human rights defenders in Cali and the department of Valle … [Read more...]

Canada: Bill C-51 demonstrates intention to violate international human rights and must be repealed | Statement

Full .pdf statement Statement 11 June 2015 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada profoundly regrets that on 9 June 2015 the Anti-Terrorist Act, 2015 (Bill C-51) was passed by the Senate of Canada and will enter into force upon Royal Assent. The Bill was rushed through Parliament in the face of … [Read more...]

Colombia: Inadequate Protection for Human Rights Lawyer Rommel Jonathan Duran Castellanos | Letter

Full PDF Version Thursday, June 11, 2015 Juan Manuel Santos Calderόn President of the Republic of Colombia Carrera 8 No. 7 – 26 Palacio de Nariño, Bogotá, Colombia Email: President Santos; Re: Inadequate protection for human rights lawyer … [Read more...]

Canada: Bill C-51: grave dangers explained | Gail Davidson video statement 30 May 2015

Click to watch video | Bill C-51: Grave Dangers Explained Gail Davidson, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, explains to the public the rights and freedoms which Bill C51 was designed to remove form our constitution which so many members of our past generations gave their lives fighting for. Statement … [Read more...]

Thailand: Military government shuts down lawyers’ human rights education event | Statement

| Full .pdf document | Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is a committee of lawyers who promote human rights and the rule of law through advocacy, education and research. LRWC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations … [Read more...]

Cambodia: Rights Groups Urge 44 governments to seek Cambodia’s withdrawal of Draft NGO Law | Joint letter

Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada was among eleven international human rights organizations calling on 44 foreign governments and the European Union to press the Cambodian government to withdraw a proposed law that would severely limit the rights of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Cambodia. In a … [Read more...]

Southeast Asia: Human Rights Crisis Involving Rohingya People and Other Migrants in the Indian Ocean | Letter to the Government of Canada

Full PDF Version Also see statement on systematic violations of internationally protected rights of Rohingya and other migrants 2 June 2015 The Honourable Robert Nicholson, PC, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs The Honourable Ed Fast, PC, MP, Minister of International Trade The … [Read more...]

Saudi Arabia: Nomination of Waleed Abu Al-khair for the 2015 IBA Human Rights Award

Nomination Form | Waleed Abu Al-Khair's CV The Registrar IBA Human Rights Award 2015 Via e-mail: Friday, May 29, 2015 Re: Nomination of Waleed Abu Al-khair for the 2015 IBA Human Rights Award Nominators Lawyers for Lawyers P.O. Box 71 1007 JC  AMSTERDAM The … [Read more...]

Colombia: Inadmissible Accusations against Human Rights Defender | Joint Statement

Full PDF Version (English) | Full PDF Version (Spanish) LRWC and 21 other international human rights organizations LRWC published a joint statement expressing concern about social media attacks against well known human rights lawyer José Humberto Torres and calling on state officials to … [Read more...]