Pakistan: Attempted Murder of Human Rights Lawyer Shahbaz Gormani | Letter

Full PDF Version Mr. Mamnoon Hussain President of Pakistan President's Secretariat Islamabad, PAKISTAN Email: Mr. Mian Nawaz Sharif Prime Minister Prime Minister House Islamabad, PAKISTAN E-mail:; … [Read more...]

Colombia: The Search for Real Justice Continues – Preliminary Report of the IV International Caravan of Jurists to Columbia

Full PDF Version The International Caravan of Jurists (the “Caravana”) made its fourth biennial visit to Colombia from 23rd to 31st August 2014. Sixty-eight members from 12 countries, including judges, barristers, solicitors, legal academics and law students, visited eight cities in seven … [Read more...]

Australia: Judicial Harassment in Thailand and Consular Protection of Mr. Alan Morison | Letter

Full PDF Version Award-winning journalists charged in Thailand with criminal defamation for writing about human rights violations against stateless persons and Rohingya people from Burma. LRWC provides background and urges the Government of Australia to intervene to ensure the rights to liberty, … [Read more...]

Sudan: Allegations of Sudanese Government Employees Engaging in Assaults on Lawyers | Letter

Full PDF Version The following link is a report about the conduct of Sudanese Government employees who have engaged in assaulting lawyers in Sudanese Government venues, including courts. The report has been shared … [Read more...]

Sudan: Detention of Farouk Abu Issa and Dr. Amin Maki Madani | Letter

Full PDF Version In this letter, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada urges the authorities of Sudan to: either immediately release these detainees or charge them with recognizable crimes and grant pre- trial release; guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of the … [Read more...]

Canada: Medical Treatment for Omar Khadr | Letter

Full PDF Version In this letter, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) writes to: Alert authorities of the international law that imposes a duty on Canada and on Correctional Services Canada to ensure that Omar Khadr is provided with competent and timely medical care and treatment in … [Read more...]

Iran: Arrest of Human Rights Lawyer Ms. Nasrin Sotoudeh on 10 December 2014 | Letter

Full PDF Version 12 December 2014 Leader of the Islamic Republic, His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader, Shahid Keshvardoost St., Jomhuri Eslami Ave., TEHRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN Faxes: + 98 21 64411/ 21441 2030 Email: … [Read more...]

Turkey: Report of Hearing at Çağlayan Justice Palace 13th November 2014 | Report

Report of hearing at Çağlayan Justice Palace 13th November 2014. For the last two years the Human Rights Committee of the Law Society of England and Wales have, along with lawyers from a number of other countries in the EU and the US,  been observing the trial of 45 mainly Kurdish lawyers who have … [Read more...]

Bahrain: Bahrain Elections Must Not Be Used to Cover Human Rights Violations | Joint Statement

Full PDF Version LRWC joined 25 other NGOs in a statement released on the eve of the 22 November election in Bahrain. The joint statement expresses concern with grave ongoing human rights abuses, the lack of necessary reform and the fact that the election is being boycotted by a coalition of the … [Read more...]

Columbia: Legitimacy of David Ravelo Crespo’s Conviction Questioned | Joint Statement

Full PDF Version (Spanish)  | Full PDF Version (English) LRWC joined twenty-six NGOs to publish a statement to the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia, expressing international concern about the conviction of David Ravelo Crespo for aggravated murder and calling on the Court to carefully … [Read more...]