Canada: Gidimt’en land defenders made a submission to UN about ongoing rights violations by BC and Canada | Press release and submission

See full .pdf submission to the UN (EN) Scroll down for the list of signatories and 26 endorsing organizations, including LRWC. Gidimt’en land defenders make submission to United Nations about ongoing rights violations by BC and Canada; Urge UN to visit Wet’suwet’en … [Read more...]

Myanmar: International brands must urgently cease production in Myanmar | Joint Statement

See the list of signatories. International brands must act urgently and cease all production in Myanmar to weaken the military dictatorship and force it to step down On February 1st 2021, the military in Myanmar carried out a coup and arrested the elected government … [Read more...]

Catherine Morris | LRWC Transitional Executive Director June 2020 to January 2022 | Update

Catherine Morris, BA (Alberta) 1974, JD (Alberta) 1978, LLM (UBC) 2001, was appointed Executive Director of Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada on 1 June 2020. Ms. Morris agreed to serve as Executive Director in a pro bono capacity during LRWC's transition from the longstanding leadership of its founder, … [Read more...]

Turkey: Urgent Action letter to UN Special Procedures: Imminent risk to health and life of ill prisoner Aysel Tuğluk | Joint letter

See the full urgent action letter (EN) On 20 January 2022, LRWC was among 43 human rights organizations signing an urgent action letter to six UN Special Procedures mandates to express grave concern over the treatment of the seriously ill prisoner, a human rights lawyer, Aysel Tuğluk … [Read more...]

Iran: Arbitrary detention of lawyers and human rights defenders | Joint letter

Full .pdf letter 18 January 2022 His Excellency Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran The Office of the Supreme Leader Tehran Province, Tehran, District 11, Islamic Republic of Iran Email: His Excellency Amin Hossein … [Read more...]

Discussion on the UN Guidelines for Lawyers in Support of Peaceful Assemblies | Online event 24 January 2022

Discussion on the UN Guidelines for Lawyers in Support of Peaceful Assemblies 24 January 2022 13:30-15:00 (Zurich) 07:30 - 9:00 am (Eastern -- North America) This event will take place online: Register here. This event is co-organized by the Geneva Human Right Platform, the International Bar … [Read more...]

Saudi Arabia: Release lawyer Waleed Abu al-Khair from arbitrary detention | Update

January 2022 marks seven years since the 15-year prison sentence of human rights lawyer Waleed Abu al-Khair was confirmed by Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Court of Appeal on 12 January 2015. He was targeted for imprisonment because of his representation of clients unpopular with Saudi Arabia's monarchy … [Read more...]

India: Release Kashmiri human rights defender Khurram Parvez | Letter

Full .pdf letter (EN) On 14 January 2022, LRWC wrote a letter to authorities in India expressing serious concern about the arbitrary detention of Kashmiri human rights defender Mr. Khurram Parvez, who was arrested and imprisoned on 22 November 2021 on  vague and overbroad terrorism laws that are … [Read more...]

Colombia: The Day of the Endangered Lawyer, 24 January 2022 | Recording now online

See the 27-page report of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2022: Colombia English (pdf) | Espanol (.pdf) | Turkish (.pdf) | other languages forthcoming List of supporting documents for further reading (EN) See the recording of the event attended by 1,105 people. REGISTER NOW: 24 … [Read more...]

Escalating Threats to Colombian Human Rights Advocates: The Day of the Endangered Lawyer, 24 January 2022 | Article

This article originally appeared in, an online magazine for Canadian lawyers, on 11 January 2022. Yessika Hoyos Morales, a lawyer  in Colombia, is a speaker at the upcoming event on 24 January for the Day of the Endangered Lawyer. See more information and register for the event, which is … [Read more...]