29 NGOs Submit Letter to Newly Appointed Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond Urging A Change of Policy on Bahrain | Press Release

 Full PDF Version 29 NGOs submit letter to newly appointed Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, urging a change of policy on Bahrain 16 July 2014, London – A group of 29 NGOs have sent a letter to the newly appointed Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Phillip Hammond, … [Read more...]

Bahrain: Joint Letter Sent to Newly Appointed Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond Urging A Change of Policy on Bahrain| Letter

Full PDF Version 16 July 2014 The Rt Honourable Philip Hammond MP Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Foreign and Commonwealth Office King Charles Street London SW1A 2AH Dear Mr Hammond, In your new capacity as Secretary of State for the Foreign and … [Read more...]

Brazil: Arbitrary Arrest and Assault of Lawyers Daniel Biral and Silvia Dascal Hirschbrush | Letter

Full PDF Version Wednesday, July 09, 2014 Governor of the State of São Paulo Geraldo Alckmin Palácio dos Bandeirantes Av. Morumbi, 4500, Portão 3, 2º andar São Paulo, SP, Brazil CEP 05650-905 Telephone: +55 11 2193-8344,
+55 11 2193-8000 (Somente em português) Twitter: … [Read more...]

Bangladesh: Draft Bangladesh Law Allows Government Control Over NGO Funds | Letter

Full PDF Version 9 July 2014 Hon. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Office of the Prime Minister Gona Bhaban, Old Sangsad Bhaban, Tejgaon Dhaka, Bangladesh. Email: pm@pmo.gov.bd Dear Prime Minister Hasina, We are writing on behalf of the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) and … [Read more...]

Thailand: Consular Protection of Human Rights Defender and UK Citizen, Mr. Andy Hall: Judicial Harassment in Thailand; Court Hearing 2 July 2014 | Letter

Full PDF Version 29 June 2014 Rt. Hon William Hague, MP Foreign & Commonwealth Office King Charles Street London, UK SW1A 2AH Fax: 020 7008 0426, private.officegsi@fco.gsi.gov.uk, email feedback.consular.services@fco.gov.uk H.E. Mr. Mark Kent British Ambassador to … [Read more...]

Thailand: Judicial Harassment of Human Rights Defender, Mr. Andy Hall. Court hearing 2 July 2014 | Statement

Full PDF Version Thailand: Judicial harassment of human rights defender, Mr. Andy Hall Court hearing 2 July 2014 Statement 29 June 2014 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is a committee of Canadian lawyers who promote human rights and the rule of law through advocacy, education and … [Read more...]

Turkey: UPR Submission, June 2014 | Joint Submission

Full PDF Version This submission outlines L4L’s and the Law Society’s key concerns regarding Turkey’s compliance with its international and national human rights commitments to guarantee effective access to legal services provided by an independent legal profession as set out in the Basic … [Read more...]

Thailand: Oral Statement to the 26th Session of the UN Human Rights Council – The Council Must Declare the Coup Illegal

Full PDF Version Mr. Budi Tjahjono's statement delivered 23 June 2014 begins at 21:01 Date: June 20, 2014 Document id: ALRC-COS-26-21-2014 HRC section: Item 4, General Debate Speaker: Mr. Budi Tjahjono of Franciscan International Oral Statement to the 26th Session of the UN Human … [Read more...]

Thailand: Arbitrary detention & enforced disappearance: LRWC calls for restoration of democratic rule & human rights protections | Statement

Full PDF Version Thailand: Systematic violations of international human rights including arbitrary detention, suspected enforced disappearance, removal of independent judicial oversight Statement 20 June 2014 Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is a committee of Canadian lawyers who … [Read more...]

Failure to Prevent and Punish Murder of Lawyers in Colombia, Joint Statement of LRWC and L4L Delivered by L4L Executive Director Adrie van de Streek to the HRC | Video

13 June - Failure to prevent and punish Murder of Lawyers in Colombia, Joint statement of LRWC and L4L delivered by L4L Executive Director Adrie van de Streek to the HRC during the clustered dialogue following presentation of the report of the Special Rapporteur on extra-judicial and summary … [Read more...]