Algeria: Arbitrary detention of lawyer Abderraouf Arslane | Joint letter

Full pdf letter (ENG) Full pdf letter (Arabic): حول مواصلة الاعتقال التعسفي للمحامي عبد الرؤوف أرسلان دون محاكمة Présidence de la République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire H.E. Abdelmadjid Tebboune Place Mohamed Seddik Benyahia, El Mouradia Alger, 16000, Algérie E-mail: … [Read more...]

Thailand: Migrant workers arrested after seeking protection of their rights | Joint open letter

See full letter (EN) pdf See full letter (TH) pdf: เรื่อง ข้อกังวลเกี่ยวกับการจับกุมแรงงานข้ามชาติเจ็ดคนที่กระทรวงแรงงาน แม้รัฐบาลไทยมีมติให้อภัยโทษ ระหว่างรอการท าเอกสารตามกฎหมาย และข้อเรียกร้องให้มีการคุ้มครองการใช้สิทธิในการปกป้องสิทธิ มนุษยชนของแรงงานข้ามชาติ On 1 November, LRWC was among 100 … [Read more...]

ACTION NEWS: LRWC newsletter Autumn 2021

Join or Renew | Support LRWC's work LRWC Action News, Autumn 2021 Edition (full pdf) Afghanistan | Belarus | Burundi | Cambodia | Canada | China | Colombia | Iran | Myanmar | Pakistan | Philippines | South Sudan | Sri Lanka | Thailand | Turkey | Viet Nam | UN Human Rights Council | International … [Read more...]

British Columbia, Canada: Withdraw amendments to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act | Joint letter

Full joint letter (pdf) | See FIPA's webpage for more information Update 1 November 2021: See a Note by the Centre for Law and Democracy with in-depth assessments of proposed amendments to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) On 26 October 2021, Lawyers' Rights … [Read more...]

Singapore: Withdraw Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Bill | Joint Statement

October 13, 2021 – Today, eleven undersigned organizations called on the Government of Singapore to withdraw the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Bill (‘FICA’). FICA’s provisions contravene international legal and human rights principles – including the rights to freedom of expression, … [Read more...]

Philippines: Halt the attacks on lawyers and human rights defenders | Joint statement to the UN Human Rights Council

Full statement pdf (EN) See the joint statement on UN WebTV at 3:00:05 Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 10: General Debate Date: 7 October 2021 Speaker: Catherine Morris Oral Statement to the 48th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from Lawyers’ Rights Watch … [Read more...]

Cambodia: “Vortex of power” deprives Cambodians of right to political participation | Joint Statement to the UN Human Rights Council

 Full .pdf statement (EN) See the video of the Interactive Dialogue. See LRWC's statement at 01:02:34. Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 10: General Debate Date: 6 October 2021 Speaker: Catherine Morris Oral Statement to the 48th Session of the UN Human Rights … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: End reprisals against those engaging with the UN | Joint letter

See full joint letter .pdf (ENG) (updated signatory list) Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada is among 30 NGOs participating in a 5 October 2021 joint letter sent to UN Human Rights Council members and observer States. Initiated by the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) seeking support for … [Read more...]

Myanmar, Colombia, China: Effective engagement with Universal Periodic Review is critical to effectiveness | Oral Statement to the UN Human Rights Council

See the full debate. LRWC joint statement at 56:42. Full .pdf statement (EN) Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item:  Item 6: General debate the Universal Periodic Review Date:  1 October 2021 Speaker: Catherine Morris Oral Statement to the 48th Session of the UN Human … [Read more...]

Afghanistan: Urgent need for international investigative mechanism | Oral video statement to the UN Human Rights Council

Full pdf statement See the video at  02:39:50 Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 4: General debate on human rights situations that require the Council's attention Date: 24 September 2021 Speaker: Paria Saremi Oral Statement to the 48th Session of the UN Human … [Read more...]