Turkey: Lawyer Aytaç Ünsal ends hunger strike after Supreme Court releases him from prison | Update

LRWC has been advised that Turkish lawyer Aytaç Ünsal called off his hunger strike on 4 September following a stay of his detention order until he has recovered. The order was granted by Turkey's Supreme Court on 3 September due to his state of health. His treatment by independent physicians has … [Read more...]

Colombia: Lawyers at risk and support for judicial independence | Joint Letter

Full PDF (ENG) (Letter to UN SR) Full PDF (ENG) (Letter to I-A Rapp) Colombia: Lawyers at risk and support for judicial independence The Law Society of England and Wales, Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales, Lawyers for Lawyers, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, Council of Bars … [Read more...]

Turkey: Obituary for Turkish lawyer Ebru Timtik | Joint press release

Full PDF (TUR) Obituary for Turkey Lawyer Ebru Timtik, died 27 August 2020  Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada joins lawyers around the world in mourning the death of Turkish lawyer Ms. Ebru Timtik on 27 August 2020 after 238 days of fasting to strengthen her demand for a fair trial for … [Read more...]

United Nations Treaty Body Review: Informal Consultations 28 August 2020 | Oral Statement

Full pdf oral statement (ENG)  See LRWC's full briefing paper See the informal consultations on the review of the United Nations human rights treaty body system: New York: 27 July 2020. Geneva: 28 August 2020, morning and afternoon (video). Direct link to oral video … [Read more...]

Turkey: Lawyer Ebru Timtik has died while fasting to demand a fair trial | Update

Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada is deeply saddened by the death of Turkish lawyer Ms. Ebru Timtik on 27 August 2020 after 238 days of fasting to strengthen her demand for a fair trial for herself and hundreds of other Turkish lawyers detained for lawfully performing their roles as lawyers. Ebru … [Read more...]

Philippines: UN Human Rights Council should urgently launch an independent international investigative mechanism on human rights situation | Joint Letter

Full PDF (ENG) To member and observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council Re: UN Human Rights Council should urgently launch an independent international investigative mechanism on the human rights situation in the Philippines Geneva, 27 August 2020 Your … [Read more...]

Canada: Federal Court invalidates Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement saying its impact “shocks the conscience” | Update

UPDATE: 21 August 2020: LRWC is disappointed that Canada's federal government has chosen to appeal the 23 July 2020 Federal Court of Canada ruling that the Canada-US does not measure up to Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Public Safety Minister Bill Blair issued a statement on Friday 21 … [Read more...]

Burundi: Vital role of the Commission of Inquiry in prompting meaningful human rights progress | Joint Letter

Full PDF (EN) | Full PDF (FR) To Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council, Geneva, Switzerland 21 August 2020 Burundi: Vital role of the Commission of Inquiry in prompting meaningful human rights … [Read more...]

Belarus: Brutal Post-Election Crackdown on Peaceful Protestors Must End | Joint Statement

Full PDF (ENG) STATEMENT Belarus: Brutal Post-Election Crackdown on Peaceful Protestors Must End The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (“BHRC”) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (“LRWC”) condemn the mass arrests, violence and excessive use of force against peaceful protesters … [Read more...]

Turkey: Urgent letter to UN Special Procedures on arbitrary detention of lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal, currently near death

Full pdf letter requesting Urgent Action On 18 August 2020, LRWC joined in an urgent letter from a group of 17 lawyers' organizations from to UN Special Procedures expressing "grave concern about two lawyers who have been on hunger strike since 2 February 2020 in demand for a fair trial."  The two … [Read more...]