Report on the Digna Ochoa Murder Investigation

Davidson, Gail  for Lawyers Rights Watch Canada & The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (July 24 2002) I. MANDATE OF LAWYERS RIGHTS WATCH CANADA & THE BAR HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE OF ENGLAND AND WALES Inter-American Court of Human Rights Order Criticisms of the … [Read more...]

The Homicide of Digna Ochoa

McAlpine, John, Q.C. The Advocate, Vol. 60 Part 3, May 2002, page 379. Digna Ochoa was a much-respected Mexican lawyer and human rights defender who was shot to death on October 19, 2001. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (the “IACHR”), in its resolution of October 25, 2001, described … [Read more...]

Newsletter VOLUME 1 No. 7, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, May 2002

VOLUME 1 No. 7, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, May 2002 SINGAPORE UPDATE J.B. Jeyaretnam: Lawyer/Member of Parliament (another triumph for the written word) LRWC member / director Howard Rubin, as a joint representative of LRWC and Amnesty International, attended Jeyaretnam’s final … [Read more...]

Foreign role seen in end to Malaysian lawyer’s prosecution

Wilhelmson, Michael Lawyers Weekly, Vol. 21, No. 47, April 19, 2002, page 8 On January 14, 2000, Karpal Singh, a prominent human rights lawyer, deputy chairman of the opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP) and former opposition Member of Parliament was arrested on a charge of sedition under … [Read more...]

Malaysian lawyer’s prosecution should raise alarm bells here, says B.C. law society president

Wilhelmson, Michael Lawyers Weekly, Vol. 21, No. 47, April 19, 2002. page 1. Vancouver The president of the Law Society of British Columbia says the case of a Malaysian defence lawyer who was charged with sedition for words spoken in open court should raise alarm bells in Canada about any … [Read more...]

President’s View: No guts, no allegory

Gibbs, Richard C., Q.C. 2002 The Law Society of British Columbia: No. 2 March-April Malaysia. Constitutional monarchy. Parliamentary democracy. Federal state. An Executive responsible to Parliament. Heavy influence of British legal tradition. An independent judiciary. The Barisan Nasional, the … [Read more...]

Canadian Lawyers Defend the Independence of the Bar in Malaysia

Dlab, Dagmar The Advocate Vol. 60 Part 2, March 2002, page 227 "Our tradition is one of centuries old respect for the independence of the Bar. As we look internationally, there is a struggle being played out. We, as lawyers, have to work to ensure that the ideal of an independent Bar is promoted … [Read more...]

Creating an International Criminal Bar for the International Criminal Court

Kelliher, Steven The Lawyers Weekly Vol. 21, No. 36, February 1, 2002, page 6 On December 6th and 7th of 2001 approximately 300 lawyers from 60 countries met in Paris for the purpose of taking the first steps toward the formation of an International Criminal Bar. As a criminal defence lawyer I … [Read more...]

Newsletter VII January 21, 2002

January 21, 2002 I CAMPAIGNS I.1 MALAYSIA KARPAL SINGH SEDITION CHARGE WITHDRAWN Richard Gibbs Q.C. left January 10th for Kuala Lumpur to attend the January 14-18 2002 trial of lawyer Karpal Singh, charged with sedition based on words he spoke in court while defending his client, former … [Read more...]

World Responds to Murder of Digna Ochoa, leading human rights lawyer

Jacob, Stephen The Lawyers Weekly Vol. 21, No., 30 December 7, 2001 The year-old government of Mexican President Vicente Fox has come under heavy criticism in the aftermath of the October 19th murder of attorney and human rights activist Digna Ochoa, with denunciations and expressions of … [Read more...]