International Law and Afghanistan

The Lawyers Weekly Vol. 21, No., 25 November 7, 2001. Commentary Vol.1, No. 12, December 2001. OPENING STATEMENT International law and Afghanistan "We the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war..." Preamble to the United Nations … [Read more...]

Human Rights and the Reaction to Terrorism

Schabas, William 59 Advocate 905. The lawyers Weekly Vol. 21, No. , 21 October 5, 2001 The terrorist acts of September 11 may well have been an attack on democracy, as George Bush, Tony Blair and others asserted, but they were no threat to democracy. Democratic regimes have survived far worse. … [Read more...]

Lawyers and the rule of law on trial – sedition in Malaysia

View the PDF version of the report. Davidson, Gail, Friesen, Tami and Jackson, Michael Q.C. I THE POLITICAL BACKGROUND I.1 The Circumstances of the Charge I.2 The Charge II THE HISTORY OF SEDITION ACT PROSECUTIONS IN MALAYSIA III SEDITION IN COMMON LAW JURISDICTIONS IV MALAYSIAN … [Read more...]

Pieces Falling into Place for the International Criminal Bar

Kelliher, Steven The Steering Committee of the International Criminal Bar (ICB) met in Paris November 24 2002 in order to further refine its Constitution, prepare a second draft of the Code of Professional Conduct and to settle on the terms of the organization's legal status within the … [Read more...]