
China: UN Universal Periodic Review mid-term report | Joint report

Full UPR mid-term .pdf report (EN) In preparation for the UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of China in 2024, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada joined Lawyers for Lawyers in submitting a  mid-term report. The report sets out the extent to which China has implemented the … [Read more...]

Pakistan: Duty to protect lawyer Saif Ul Malook | Letter

Full .PDF letter (EN) Mr. Arif Alvi President of Pakistan President’s Secretariat Islamic Republic of Pakistan President's Secretariat, Aiwan-e-Sadr, Islamabad, Pakistan Email:, Barrister Dr. Muhammad Farogh Naseem Minister … [Read more...]

Thailand: Immediately repeal emergency regulation that threatens online freedoms | Joint statement

Full .PDF statement (EN)  ประเทศไทย: ยกเลิกข้อกําหนดในสถานการณ์ฉุกเฉินที่คุกคามเสรีภาพออนไลน์โดยทันท (.PDF Thai translation) 17 international human rights organizations today denounced the Thai government’s newly announced Regulation No. 29, which empowers the authorities to censor … [Read more...]

China: How the ‘trials’ of two Canadians detained in China show the importance of the rule of law | Op-ed, Hong Kong Free Press

Op-Ed published by Hong Hong Free Press on 27 March 2021 and the Taipei Times on 29 March 2021. Clive Ansley is a director of Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada. By Clive Ansley, David Kilgour, Peter Lamont “Chinese judges are classified as civil servants in China’s Civil … [Read more...]

2020–21: A pandemic of rights violations has met with dramatic civil resistance to injustice | Article in The Advocate July 2021

Full .pdf article NEWS FROM LAWYERS’ RIGHTS WATCH CANADA  Originally published in The Advocate 79(4)(July 2021): 535-38. By Catherine Morris[*] The 2020 annual report of Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (“LRWC”)[1] was released in April 2021 and reported on LRWC volunteers’ … [Read more...]

Hong Kong: Prosecution of Tiananmen Vigil Organizer Chow Hang-tung | Joint Open Letter

Full PDF letter (EN) 21 July 2021 Ms. Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah Secretary for Justice Department of Justice Central, Hong Kong Re: Prosecution of Tiananmen Vigil Organizer Chow Hang-tung Dear Secretary Cheng, We, a group of 72 international non-governmental organizations and … [Read more...]

Turkey: Concerns about access to the legal profession and disbarments | Joint Statement

Full pdf statement (EN) Concerns about access to the legal profession and increasing disbarments of lawyers in Turkey 19 July 2021 We, the undersigned organizations, have long been deeply concerned about the increasingly challenging and hostile environment in which lawyers in Turkey … [Read more...]

ACTION NEWS: LRWC newsletter Summer 2021

 Join or Renew | Support LRWC's work LRWC Action News, Summer 2021 Edition (full pdf) Algeria | Azerbaijan | Belarus | Cambodia | Canada | China | Colombia | Iran | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Thailand | Turkey | USA | Vietnam | UN Human Rights Council See … [Read more...]

Canada: Alleged influence by judge on U of T hiring process | Update

LRWC welcomes news that the University of Toronto (U of T) Faculty of Law announced in June 2021 that it has reopened a competition to hire a director of its International Human Rights Program (IHRP) after months of controversy over allegations of improper external pressure and interference in the … [Read more...]

China: The Persecution List / 中國人權律師受迫害名單 | Video

This 13:17-minute video was shown at the 5th China Human Rights Lawyers Day conference held 7 July 2021 (2021.7.09), the 6th anniversary of the “709 Crackdown” against human rights lawyers in China in 2015. Listing the names of lawyers arbitrarily detained, tortured, disappeared, disbarred or died … [Read more...]