
Saudi Arabia: Samar Badawi released after three years of arbitrary detention | Update

LRWC welcomes news on 27 June 2021 that women’s rights defender Samar Badawi has been released from prison in Saudi Arabia after being arbitrarily detained for nearly three years. She was released following the expiry of her sentence. Since 2016, LRWC has conducted advocacy for her release since … [Read more...]

The 5th China Human Rights Lawyers Day 第五屆中國人權律師節 | Online conference video

See the Conference Programme (pdf). Speakers and organizers are listed below. The conference starts at 13:20 in the video.  View the 13-minute video, "The Persecution List" The 5th China Human Rights Lawyers Day conference was held on 7 July 2021 (2021.7.09). On the 6th anniversary of the … [Read more...]

Algeria: Lawyers targeted in escalation of criminalization of fundamental freedoms | Joint statement

Joint statement full PDF (EN) Full Statement (Arabic) بيان-حول-وضع-المحامين-في-الجزائر Joint statement by Algerian League for the Defence of Human Rights (LADDH), Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), Institute for the Rule of Law of the International Association of Lawyers … [Read more...]

Cambodia: No Justice at five year anniversary of Kem Ley’s death | Joint Statement

Full pdf joint statement  9 July 2021 Today, in advance of the fifth anniversary of the unlawful killing of prominent political commentator and human rights defender Kem Ley, the 45 undersigned organizations reiterate their call for the Cambodian authorities to create an independent … [Read more...]

Vietnam: Release human rights defender Nguyen Thuy Hanh | Letter

Full PDF letter In a letter dated 8 July 2021, LRWC calls for the immediate release of human rights defender Nguyen Thuy Hanh, and for the Vietnamese authorities to end their harassment of human rights defenders,  journalists, and political activists. The letter urges the government of Vietnam to … [Read more...]

Myanmar: Continued arbitrary detention of lawyers and defenders | Joint statement of LRWC and LSEW

Full pdf statement See the video of the full Interactive Dialogue with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at the UN Human Rights Council, 6 July and continued 7 July 2021. Watch the LRWC video statement at  06:52 Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 4: Interactive … [Read more...]

Belarus: Increased harassment of lawyers in 2020-2021 | Joint statement to the UN Human Rights Council

Full pdf statement Video of the Interactive Dialogue on UN Web TV starting at 01:07:54. Organization: Lawyers for Lawyers Item: Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus Date: 5 July 2021 Speaker: Mr. Leroy Niekoop Mme. … [Read more...]

Canada: Implementation of UNDRIP is now the law

LRWC calls upon all Canadian authorities to ensure prompt action to implement Canada's Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [UNDRIP]. The Act is now the law in Canada. The Act received Royal Assent on 21 June 2021 after being passed by the Senate on 16 … [Read more...]

Philippines, Turkey, Iran: Statement to UN Human Rights Council on Independence of Judges and Lawyers | Oral video statement

Full pdf statement Link to Interactive Dialogue Joint statement at 01:32:45 Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item:  Item 3: Interactive Dialogue, Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Date: 28 June 2021 Speaker: Paul Scambler  Oral Statement to the … [Read more...]

Myanmar and China: Statement to UN Human Rights Council on Prevention of Genocide | Oral video statement

Full pdf statement Link to Interactive Dialogue with Special Advisor on Prevention of Genocide (LRWC statement at 1:24:12) Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 3: Interactive Dialogue: Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide Date: 28 June 2021 Speaker: Catherine … [Read more...]