Press Releases

Viet Nam: Le Quoc Quan on Hunger Strike | Press Release

Full PDF Version PRESS RELEASE 13 February 2014 Vietnamese Lawyer and Blogger Le Quoc Quan on Hunger Strike Appeal trial scheduled for 18 February 2014 Jailed Vietnamese blogger and human rights lawyer Le Quoc Quan has launched a hunger strike to protest the refusal by … [Read more...]

Cambodia: Mam Sonando Released | Joint Press Release

PDF version Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LWRC) are pleased to note that Mam Sonando, a Cambodian broadcaster who had been detained for exercising his right to freedom of expression, has been released. He was … [Read more...]

9 May 2013 | Robert A. Williams: Savage Anxieties: Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights and the Not-So-Special Case of Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group v. Canada

Savage Anxieties: Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights and the Not-So-Special Case of Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group v. Canada before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission Robert A. Williams Throughout the centuries, conquest, war, and unspeakable acts of racist violence and colonial dispossession … [Read more...]

Turkey: July trial ignored fundamental guarantees of the rights of the defence | Joint press release

From July 16 to 18, 2012, our organisations attended in Istanbul the opening of the trial indicting 46 lawyers, 3 of their staff members and 1 journalist. They insist that identifying a lawyer with his client amounts to an unacceptable criminalization of the lawyers' profession.   Our … [Read more...]

Turkey: 18 rights and lawyers’ groups express concern to the UN as a trial against 46 lawyers under terrorism charges is due to open on July 16 | Joint press release

Amsterdam-Ankara-Brussels-Geneva-Grenoble-Montpellier-Ottawa-Paris-Rennes, July 13, 2012. 18 rights and lawyers' groups express concern to the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers and to the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders as a trial under … [Read more...]

PRESS RELEASE | Omar Khadr: Committee against Torture recommends transfer to Canada and redress for human rights violations

Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) and International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (CMLG) For Immediate Release  Friday, June 01, 2012 (pdf version)  Omar Khadr: Committee against Torture recommends transfer to Canada and redress for human rights violations  The Committee against Torture … [Read more...]

PRESS RELEASE | Canada must prosecute any foreign national suspected of torture

Immediate Release Friday, June 01, 2012 Canada must prosecute any foreign national suspected of torture (committed anywhere and against anyone) when the suspect enters Canada even temporarily, says Committee against Torture.   The Committee against Torture (“Committee”), in an advance version of … [Read more...]

PRESS RELEASE | Omar Khadr: Canada in Breach of Convention Against Torture and Child Rights Convention

On May 21-22, 2012, the United Nations Committee against Torture will review Canada’s failure to comply with its obligations under the Convention against Torture to prevent, punish and remedy the torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of Canadian Omar Khadr during his ongoing … [Read more...]

Spain: Joint Statement on the acquittal of Judge Garzon in Spain | Joint press release

View PDF: Joint Statement on the acquittal of Judge Garzon in Spain by LRWC and other groups View PDF: Statement in Spanish. Human Rights Groups Welcome Spanish Court’s Decision to Acquit Judge Baltasar Garzón and Call on Spain to secure effectively the right to truth, justice, and reparation … [Read more...]

PRESS RELEASE: Canada Won’t Deal With Women’s Human Rights Crisis At Home

Press Release:  UN Committee to End Racial Discrimination Report from LRWC and BC CEDAW Group For immediate release February 22, 2012 Failure to address cases of missing and murdered Aboriginal women an international shame, say leading human rights groups (Vancouver) Canada and British … [Read more...]