Press Releases

Cambodia: Revise or Abandon Draft NGO Law | Joint Press Release

full statement PDF Joint Statement by Human Rights Watch, Global Witness, Freedom House, Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), Article 19, Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA), Civil Rights Defenders, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, Centre for Law and Democracy, … [Read more...]

Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group October 28, 2011 hearing at the Human Rights Commission of the OAS

Press Release: Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group October 28, 2011 hearing at the Human Rights Commission of the Organization of American States … [Read more...]

Canada: Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group Press Release | IACHR petition

IACHR:  Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group Press Release by HTG … [Read more...]

Omar Khadr: LRWC Calls for Repatriation

Omar Khadr: LRWC Calls for Repatriation by LRWC … [Read more...]

Bangladesh: LRWC Endorses the call for a return to the rule of law in Bangladesh

.doc: Bangladesh: Call for Return to Rule of Law, 15 December 2008 Bangladesh: Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) Endorses the call for a return to the rule of law in Bangladesh December 15, 2008: LRWC joins with the jurists, lawyers and legal academics from throughout Asia who assembled in … [Read more...]

SINGAPORE: Government uses fear to stifle Freedom of Expression

LRWC Press release – July 18, 2005 SINGAPORE: Government uses fear to stifle freedom of EXPRESSION Singapore police used plain clothes officers to seize a video screened at the JULY 9, 2005 launch of the latest book by opposition leader Dr. Chee Soon Juan. Dr. Chee has long been an outspoken … [Read more...]

Pronunciamiento de LRWC sobre el asesinato de la abogada Mexicana y defensora de derechos humanos Digna Ochoa

COMUNICADO DE PRENSA VANCOUVER, jueves 30 de noviembre del 2001: - Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (“LRWC”) disemino el siguiente comunicado hoy: Digna Ochoa y Placido, abogada mexicana y defensora de los derechos humanos murió de balazos el día de 19 de octubre del 2001 en su despacho en la … [Read more...]

LRWC condems trial of Malaysian lawyer Karpal Singh

MALAYSIA TARGETS LAWYER WHO DEFENDED ANWAR IBRAHIM For immediate release VANCOUVER, April 1st, 2001 - Not content with brow-beating its former Deputy Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, on arcane and trumped-up criminal charges, the government of Malaysia has now targeted the lawyer who defended … [Read more...]

Protegiendo los Derechos Humanos a través de proteger a quienes los defienden

LWRC exige al gobierno de Guatemala que garantice la seguridad de los abogados y jueces. Al LWRC le preocupa las amenazas contra la vida y la seguridad que varios abogados y jueces de Guatemala han recibido. El 8 de junio del 2001, en la ciudad de Guatemala, el tribunal tercero de sentencia falló … [Read more...]


Lawyers Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is dismayed at the news of the sudden departure from Guatemala of the lead prosecutor in the Gerardi case, Leopoldo Zeissig, and his family. James Tate, the LRWC representative who monitored the final days of the Gerardi trial, met with Leopold Zeissig and … [Read more...]