
Malaysia: Lawyers and the Rule of Law on Trial: Sedition in Malaysia

 Full PDF Version LAWYERS AND THE RULE OF LAW ON TRIAL: SEDITION IN MALAYSIA An analysis of Malaysia’s Sedition Act Prepared by Gail Davidson, Tami Friesen and Michael Jackson, Q.C. for LAWYERS RIGHTS WATCH CANADA Excerpt The Sedition Act seeks to limit and control … [Read more...]

LRWC Annual Report 2015

Full PDF Version Table of Contents Executive Director’s Message 2 United Nations Participation 3 Universal Period Review 4 UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention 4 UN Working Group on the Right to Peace 4 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 5 Nomination of UN Special Mandate … [Read more...]

Canada: Factum of the Intervener LRWC – TWU vs LSUC

Full PDF Version LRWC filed a factum as intervener in the Trinity Western University v Law Society of Upper Canada and the Attorney General of Canada case before the Ontario Court of Appeal on 25 February 2016. The Factum was prepared by LRWC members Gail Davidson, Lois Leslie, Gavin Magrath and … [Read more...]

LRWC Annual Report 2014 (1 April 2013 to 31 December 2014)

See Full PDF Version Table of  Contents Executive Director’s Message ...2 United Nations Participation ...3 United Nations Human Rights Council ...3 Universal Periodic Reviews ...7 Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ...7 In-Country Investigations and Trial Monitoring … [Read more...]

Canada: LRWC’s views on Canada’s Response to the List of Issues Prior to Reporting (LOIPR) from the UN Committee against Torture | Report

Full PDF Version   Monday, December 21st, 2015 Human Rights Program Department of Canadian Heritage 25 Eddy Street, 4th Floor Gatineau QC K1A 0M5 Attention: Adam Côté, Ph. D. Policy Officer, Via Email to: | 819-994-3670 To the Human Rights Program, … [Read more...]

Syria: No Word on Activist’s Whereabouts | Report

Full PDF Version (English) | Full PDF Version (Arabic) Syria: No Word on Activist’s Whereabouts Bassel Khartabil Transferred to Undisclosed Location on October 3 (Beirut, November 4, 2015) – Syria’s authorities have yet to disclose the whereabouts of Bassel Khartabil, a software … [Read more...]

Canada: Canada’s Failure to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Report

 Full PDF Version   CANADA’S FAILURE TO REDUCE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS by Gail Davidson and Rohan Shah Introduction Climate change scientific literature accepts that human activity, principally deforestation and the extraction and combustion of fossil fuels, has … [Read more...]

Colombia: Colombia Caravana 2014 – Judges at Risk – Report of the Judge Delegates of the Colombia Caravana | Report

Full PDF Version The IV International Caravana Delegation of Lawyers to Colombia visited Colombia from August 23 to August 31, 2014. About 70 members from 12 countries, including five judges, visited seven regions: Bucaramanga, Buenaventura, Cali, Cartagena, Medellín, Pasto and Santa Marta. The … [Read more...]

China: Mass Arrest, Detention and Disappearance of Lawyers and Other Rights Advocates in China | Report

Full PDF Version LRWC calls on UN Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups to come to the aid of lawyers and their associates under seige by state authorities in China. Since the beginning of July 2015 over 284 human rights lawyers have been wrongfully arrested in a country-wide campaign to close … [Read more...]

Colombia: 2014 Caravana of Lawyers Delegation – Cali/Valle del Cauca Report | Report

Full PDF Version 2014 Caravana of Lawyers Delegation - Cali/Valle del Cauca Report, International Colombia Caravana, June 2015. Report of the Fourth International Colombia Caravana investigation of dangers faced by lawyers and other human rights defenders in Cali and the department of Valle … [Read more...]