
Canada: Bill C-51: Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security Transcripts and Report & Selected Commentaries and Analyses

Bill C-51: Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security Transcripts and Report & Selected Commentaries and Analyses updated 24 June 2015 Anti-terrorism Act, 2015, An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the … [Read more...]

Canada: Bill C-51 – A Legal Primer

Full PDF Version (English) | Full PDF Version (French)   Canadian lawyers Clayton Ruby and Nader Hasan analyze Bill C-51 and conclude, “Bill C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015, would expand the powers of Canada’s spy agency, allow Canadians to be arrested on mere suspicion of future … [Read more...]

Right to Trial by Civilian Courts: International Law on the Use of Military Tribunals to Determine the Rights of Civilians | Working Paper

Full PDF Version The Right to Trial by Civilian Courts is a working paper on the right of civilians to be tried, and to have their rights—including rights to remedies—determined by civilian courts. Production of the working paper was inspired by the practice of repressive governments to delegate … [Read more...]

Prisoners: The Right to Medical Treatment – Summary of Preliminary Research | Report

Full PDF Version Prisoners: The Right to Medical Treatment Summary of Preliminary Research Prisoners have a right to receive medical treatment. By arresting and detaining a person, the State takes full responsibility at international law for providing health care to ensure their lives and … [Read more...]

Colombia: International Caravana of Lawyers and Jurists to Colombia 2014: Without Lawyers, There Is No Justice | Report

Full PDF Version International Caravana of Lawyers and Jurists to Colombia 2014: Sin Abogados no hay Justicia (Without Lawyers, there is no Justice) by   Heather Neun BA (BC) 1984, MPhil (Development Studies, UK) 1987, JD (BC) 1997 Member of Law Society of British … [Read more...]

The Right to Legal Aid: How British Columbia’s Legal Aid System Fails to Meet International Obligations

Full PDF Version As a result of drastic reductions in funding for legal aid services in British Columbia (BC) over the past fifteen years, the province now fails to meet even the most basic legal aid needs of British Columbians to the point that BC has attracted international criticism … [Read more...]

The Right to Legal Aid: A Guide to International Law Rights to Legal Aid

Full PDF Version This Guide to international law rights to legal aid has been developed to assist in promoting effective access to legal aid to ensure access to justice for all, by setting out the international legal standards and underlying principles and interpretations of the … [Read more...]

Turkey: Submissions on the Universal Periodic Review of Turkey from LRWC, Lawyers for Lawyers and Fair Trial Watch | Report

 Full PDF Version  This submission outlines key concerns regarding Turkey’s compliance with its international and national human rights commitments to guarantee effective access to legal services provided by an independent legal profession as set out in the Basic Principles, which is required … [Read more...]

Viet Nam: Failure to Comply with UPR Recommendations | Report

Full PDF Version Official UN Version Joint written statement by Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers Rights Watch Canada[1] to the 26th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council Agenda Item 6 – UPR Outcomes, Viet Nam Viet Nam: Failure to Comply with UPR … [Read more...]

Colombia: Failure to Fulfill Duties in Response to Attacks on Lawyers | Report

Full PDF Version Official UN Version Colombia: Failure to fulfill duties in response to attacks on lawyers LRWC calls on the Human Rights Council to fulfill its duty to promote and protect the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms in Colombia by calling on Colombia to act … [Read more...]