
Canada: The Shrinking Space for Dissent in Canada | Report

Full PDF Version Official UN Version Lawyers Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) Contact: Gail Davidson Tel: +1 604 736 1175 Fax: +1 604 736 1170 Interactive Dialogue Agenda Item 3 – Freedom of Expression Written Statement by Lawyers Rights Watch Canada[1] to the 26th … [Read more...]

Iran: Wrongful Prosecution and Imprisonment of Lawyers | Report

Full PDF Version Official UN Version Iran: Wrongful Prosecution And Imprisonment Of Lawyers To the 26th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council Agenda Item 3 – Independence of Lawyers and Judges Written Statement Submitted Jointly by Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, an NGO … [Read more...]

Iran: Safety and Independence of Lawyers & Access to Legal Representation | Report

Full PDF Version Safety and Independence of Lawyers & Access to Legal Representation in Iran by LRWC and L4L Advocacy Rights 1.1           As a member of the United Nations (24 October 1945), the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) has obligations to ensure the equal enjoyment by all … [Read more...]

Catherine Morris, “Corporate Land-Grabbing & Fabricated Charges in Cambodia: What Can Canadian Lawyers Do?” | Paper

Full Text (pdf) On 12 February 2014, Catherine Morris spoke to the International Assistance Section of the Canadian Bar Association in Vancouver. To illustrate the work of Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada, Ms. Morris used illustrations from LRWC's advocacy regarding Cambodia, concluding with a … [Read more...]

International Right to Legal Aid in Relation to the British Columbia Missing Women Commission of Inquiry | Report

Full PDF Version This summary of Canada’s international law duties to provide legal aid arising from provisions of United Nations and Organization of American States treaties was prepared for an investigation by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women … [Read more...]

Viet Nam: Update Regarding Le Quoc Quan for the Pre-Session UPR on 27 November 2013 | Report

 Full PDF Version Update Viet Nam – Detention of Mr. Le Quoc Quan Update for the purpose of the Pre-session UPR regarding Viet Nam on 27 November 2013, on behalf of Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L), Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) and The Law Society. On 13 June 2013, L4L, LRWC and the Law … [Read more...]

Cambodia: The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Opinion Concerning the Arbitrary Detention of Yorm Bopha

Full PDF Version Detention of Yorm Bopha arbitrary: The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in the opinion released 29 November 2013 (A/HRC/WGAD/2013/), found that the imprisonment in Cambodia of land rights activist Yorm Bopha, was arbitrary detention under category II ( … [Read more...]

Vietnam: Statement Regarding the Matter of Mr. Le Quoc Quan: Violation of Rights to Pre-Trial Release | Statement

Full PDF English Version | Full Word English Version Full PDF Vietnamese Version Introduction Mr. Le Quoc Quan, a qualified lawyer, active blogger and human rights defender, is currently arbitrarily detained by the Government of Viet Nam due to having exercised his right to freedom of … [Read more...]

Canadian Jurisprudence Regarding the Right to Legal Aid | Report

Full PDF Version Canadian Jurisprudence Regarding the Right to Legal Aid  Prepared by Erika Heinrich, B.Com., J.D.  Introduction: 1. In recent years, the decline of legal aid funding in Canada[1] has renewed interest in access to justice and whether there is a constitutional right to … [Read more...]

Prisoners’ Right to Medical Treatment | Report

Full PDF Version Prisoners’ Right to Medical Treatment International Law Provisions By Grace Cheung Prisoners have a right to receive medical treatment. By arresting and detaining a person, a State takes full responsibility at international law for providing health care to ensure … [Read more...]