
Cambodia: Petition to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Regarding the Arbitrary Detention of Yorm Bopha | Petition

Full PDF Version EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Petition requests the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to render an Opinion that the arrest and detention of Ms. Yorm Bopha, amounts to arbitrary detention. Ms. Yorm Bopha is a human rights defender. She is a resident of  the … [Read more...]

LRWC Annual General Report 2013

Full PDF Version: In 2012-2013 Annual Report discusses the work of LRWC which, in cooperation with other organizations, contributed to the following results: Fourteen lawyers were released from jail in Turkey; Sentences were reduced for 14 wrongfully convicted people in Cambodia; Eleven … [Read more...]

Report on the UN Human Rights Council 23rd Session | Report

Full PDF Version Human Rights Council Concludes its 23rd Session Highlights of the most recent Human Rights Council Session, this June, were the urgent debate on Syria, the reports by the Special Rapporteurs on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, the Working Group on Business and Human … [Read more...]

Bahrain: Freedom of Assembly in Bahrain: Domestic law and practice violates international law obligations | Report

LRWC prepared a brief, endorsed by the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression and the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights expressing concern with the continuing wrongful arrest, prosecution, conviction and sentencing of human rights advocates in Bahrain for peacefully exercising their internationally … [Read more...]

Vietnam: Joint Submission for the Universal Periodic Review of Viet Nam | Joint Report

Lawyers for Lawyers, the Law Society of England and Wales and LRWC filed a report for the Universal Periodic Review of Vietnam. The use of arbitrary arrests, malicious prosecutions, imprisonment and disbarment to silence human rights lawyers, is the focus of this joint report. Cited as examples of … [Read more...]

Colombia: Protecting Access to Justice, Report of the Third International Caravana to Colombia, 21 May 2013 | Report

Full PDF Version The report of the third Colombia Carvana contains the findings of the delegation of lawyers and judges who visited Colombia in August 2012 to for the purposes of: investigating risks faced by judges, lawyers and other human rights defenders in Colombia, providing support and making … [Read more...]

Colombia: Report of Judge Delegates of the Colombia Caravana | Report

PDF Version In April, 2013 the judge delegates of the Colombia Caravana issued the report of their findings. The Honourable Carol Huddart, retired justice of the BC Court of Appeal, attended the Caravana on behalf of LRWC. The judges found, inter alia, that: "[i]n all regions visited by the … [Read more...]

Colombia: Members of José Alvéar Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective v. Colombia | Amicus Curiae

LRWC and Lawyers Without Borders Canada (LWBC) have prepared joint submission amicus curiae submissions for consideration by the IACHR in the matter of Members of José Alvéar Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective v. Colombia, Case No. 12.380 (English version | Spanish version). This case is based on … [Read more...]

Bahrain: Report on Bahrain’s Attorney General Dr. Ali bin Fadhel Al-Buainain and his position in the International Association of Prosecutors | Report

Full PDF Version Report on Bahrain’s Attorney General Dr. Ali bin Fadhel Al-Buainain and his position in the International Association of Prosecutors, April 15, 2013. This report produced by Ceartas Irish Lawyers for Human Rights, examines actions (arrests, prosecution and in-custody … [Read more...]

Handbook: Pre-Trial Release and the Right to be Presumed Innocent

Pre-trial release and the right to be presumed innocent: A handbook on international law rights to pre-trial release. Lois Leslie, B.Soc. Sc. (Hons), LL.B, LL.M PDF version Production of this handbook was inspired by the fact that millions of people around the world are in pre-trial detention … [Read more...]