
Vietnam: Petition to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in the Le Quoc Quan case | Reports

PDF version (full petition) Re: Petition to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention for a ruling that the arrest and detention of Le Quoc Quan is arbitrary Submitted by: Media Legal Defence Initiative On behalf of: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, Lawyers for Lawyers, Access Now, Media … [Read more...]

Mexico: Submissions to the Universal Periodic Review of Mexico | Reports

PDF of Submissions to the UPR of Mexico LAWYERS FOR LAWYERS (L4L), THE LAW SOCIETY OF ENGLAND AND WALES, LAWYERS’ RIGHTS WATCH CANADA JOINT UPR SUBMISSION – MEXICO, MARCH 2013 1.   Signatory organisations are submitting this report on the state of human rights in Mexico with recommendations to … [Read more...]

China: Submissions to the Universal Periodic Review of China | Reports

PDF of LRWC's submissions to the UPR of China LAWYERS FOR LAWYERS (L4L) AND LAWYERS’ RIGHTS WATCH CANADA (LRWC) JOINT UPR SUBMISSION – PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, MARCH 2013 1.   Lawyers for Lawyers (hereinafter ‘L4L’) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (‘LRWC’) submit this report on the state of … [Read more...]

Canada: The Omar Khadr Case: Implementing the Recommendations of the Committee against Torture

LRWC recently provided a report to Continuing Committee of Officials on Human Rights (CCOHR) on the implementation of recommendations by CAT in reference to Canada’s handling of the Omar Khadr case. In April LRWC and ICLMG filed a joint report with the UN Committee against Torture (CAT) highlighting … [Read more...]

Submission to the 16th Session of the Universal Periodic Review on the State of Freedom of Expression in Canada

Full report (pdf) On October 9, 2012, LRWC, in collaboration with the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, the Centre for Law and Democracy, and PEN Canada submitted their report on the state of freedom of expression in Canada to … [Read more...]

LRWC delegates join 40 jurists on 3rd annual international visit to scrutinize attacks and murders of Colombian human rights lawyers

Thanks to all donors for enabling LRWC’s participation in the Third Caravana of Lawyers to Colombia Twenty-eight lawyers murdered in Colombia since 2011 LRWC sent two delegates to participate in the Third International Caravana of Lawyers to Colombia, which took place from August 26 to … [Read more...]

Turkey: Joint brief to the Human Rights Committee, 106th Session, on pre-trial release rights in Turkey

This report, presently jointly by LRWC and the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (FIDH-OMCT), to the United Nations Committee Against Torture examines the failure of the Republic of Turkey (Turkey) to comply with its obligations under Articles 9 and 14 of the International … [Read more...]

Arrest and Detention of Lawyers in Turkey: Right to Pre-Trial Release | Report

Lawyers in Turkey are being subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention and judicial harassment for merely defending their clients’ rights in politically sensitive cases. "Arrest and Detention of Lawyers in Turkey - Right to Pre-Trial Release" is a report presented jointly by Lawyers Rights Watch … [Read more...]

LRWC Annual General Report 2011

Throughout the reporting period LRWC effectively promoted advocacy rights and the rule of law through campaigns, legal research and education. LRWC campaign activities during the reporting period involved lawyers and other human rights defenders subjected to murder, assault, threats, false arrest, … [Read more...]

The Right to Know Our Rights: International law obligations to ensure international human rights education and training

Order your hard copies ($20 each) by emailing The Right to Know Our Rights outlines the international law obligations on States to ensure that everyone has access to education and training about their international human rights so that they develop sufficient facility to use … [Read more...]