
Prisoners: The Right to Medical Treatment – International Law Provisions | Report

Full PDF Version Prisoners: The Right to Medical Treatment International Law Provisions  By Grace Cheung Updated by Temisan Boyo Fanou Prisoners have a right to receive medical treatment. By arresting and detaining a person, a State takes full responsibility at international law for … [Read more...]

Viet Nam: Human Rights Committee Consideration of the Implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by Viet Nam | Report

Full PDF Version Vo An Don (left), Le Quoc Quan, Nguyen Van Dai (right) Viet Nam – The UN Human Rights Committee, during its 125th Session on 4-19 March 2019, will review Viet Nam’s compliance with the its legal obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. … [Read more...]

The Right to Legal Aid: Submission to BC Legal Aid Services Review | Report

The Right to Legal Aid: Recommendations for Reform of British Columbia’s Legal Aid System in accordance with Canada’s International Human Rights Obligations Submission to the Legal Aid Services Review of the Province of British Columbia 22 November 2018 Full pdf document Introduction This … [Read more...]

Protective Measures in the Inter-American Human Rights System | Report

Full PDF Version / Full Word Version Photo Credit: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Protective Measures in the Inter-American Human Rights System Isabela Piacentini de Andrade [1] The Inter-American human rights system was created by the Organization of American States … [Read more...]

Turkey: The Situation of Lawyers and Human Rights Defenders in Turkey Since July 2016 | Report

Full PDF Version Persecuted Turkish lawyers: Fevzi Cem Şenocak (top left), Yusuf Zotluoğlu, Serdar Kutlu, Zekeriya Albayrak, Mustafa Kemal Açıcı, Neşe Yıldızoğlu, Fatma Şen (bottom right) Photo Credit: The Arrested Lawyers Initiative The situation of lawyers and human rights defenders in … [Read more...]

Canada: Consular protection and diplomatic intervention | Submission to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development

Full .pdf version (with references) Consular protection and diplomatic intervention: International law duties to provide access to remedies for human rights violations against Canadians abroad Submission to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, Parliament of … [Read more...]

International Criminal Court: Report from the 16th Assembly of State Parties to the ICC | Report

Full PDF Version INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT REPORT on the December 4-14, 2017 MEETING of the ASSEMBLY OF STATES PARTIES by Melissa Tessler Between December 4-14, 2017, the Assembly of State Parties to the ICC (ASP) met at UN headquarters in New York for their annual meeting. … [Read more...]

Myanmar: International Law Duties of Neighbouring States to Refugees and Asylum Seekers | Briefing Note

Full PDF Version Rohingya refugees from Myanmar at the “gates of hell” International law duties of neighbouring States to refugees and asylum seekers Briefing note Catherine Morris, BA, JD, LLM[1] 9 November 2017 Four pages plus references. The catastrophic exodus of Rohingya … [Read more...]

Canada: Canadian Child Hostages Overseas: The Ultimate Commodity – Working Paper by Catherine Morris

Full PDF Version Canadian Child Hostages Oversees, examines Canada’s international law obligations to secure the safe release of Canadian citizens taken hostage and illegally detained abroad generally. The working paper focuses on the current the case of Canadian citizen Joshua Boyle, his wife, … [Read more...]

Colombia: Amicus Brief on Compliance of Special Jurisdiction for Peace Act with International Law

Full PDF Version (Spanish) A joint amicus brief was filed on 26 July 2017 in the Constitutional Court of Colombia by Lawyers Without Borders Canada with the support of LRWC, Global Rights Compliance and the Laval University Clinic of International and Humanitarian Law. The Amicus Brief examines the … [Read more...]