
Burma/Myanmar: The absence of minimum conditions for elections

Joint written statement submitted by LRWC and the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) to the Human Rights Council's 14th session. Although many groups and scholars have pointed to specific problems associated with the electoral process, the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) and Lawyers Rights … [Read more...]

Formal Communication for Consideration and Action Re: Omar Khadr

UN Human Rights Council: Formal Communication for Consideration and Action Re: Omar Khadr by Gail Davidson … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Omar Khadr, LRWC Report to the 13th Session of the HRC

UN Human Rights Council: Omar Khadr, LRWC Report to the 13th Session of the HRC by LRWC … [Read more...]

Philippines: LRWC and ALRC condemn massacre and call for international inquiry

Philippines: LRWC and ALRC condemn massacre and call for international inquiry by LRWC … [Read more...]

LRWC Statement to 12th Session of the HRC Re: Sri Lanka

Statement to 12th Session of the HRC Re: Sri Lanka by LRWC … [Read more...]

Pakistan: LRWC Denounces Latest Attempt to Crush Lawyers Movement | Press release

View PDF: Pakistan: LRWC Denounces Latest Attempt to Crush Lawyers Movement LRWC denounces use of the Pakistan Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) to prevent Pakistan lawyers from continuing to advocate for a) re-instatement of all judges illegally removed from office by former president Musharaff … [Read more...]

Bangladesh: LRWC Endorses the call for a return to the rule of law in Bangladesh

.doc: Bangladesh: Call for Return to Rule of Law, 15 December 2008 Bangladesh: Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) Endorses the call for a return to the rule of law in Bangladesh December 15, 2008: LRWC joins with the jurists, lawyers and legal academics from throughout Asia who assembled in … [Read more...]

Joint Statement to 7th Session of UN Human Rights Council: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal

PDF: Asia: Joint Statement to 7th Session of UNHRC re: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal by ALRC & LRWC date: March 14, 2008 document id:ALRC-COS-07-007-2008 speaker: Mr. Bijo Francis HRC section: Item 4: General Debate A Joint Oral Statement to the 7th Session of the UN Human Rights … [Read more...]

Pakistan: LRWC oral statement to UNHRC

Pakistan: LRWC oral statement to UNHRC, Mar. 8, 2008 by LRWC … [Read more...]

Bangladesh: LRWC calls for release of Sigma Huda, UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons

Bangladesh: LRWC challenges legitimacy of conviction and sentencing of Sigma Huda, UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons and calls for her release. September 24, 2007: Immediate Release Lawyers Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is concerned that the trial, conviction and sentencing of Sigma … [Read more...]