Columbia: Protection of Human Rights Lawyers and Defenders | Oral Statement to the 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available (Chapter 18, at 00:37:05) Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Date: 20/21 September 2018 HRC section: 39th Session (Agenda Item 6) Speaker: Mr. Paul Scambler Oral Statement to the 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council Regular … [Read more...]

Myanmar: Investigation and Prosecution of Senior Myanmar Military Officials for Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes | Oral Statement to the 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available (Chapter 62, at 01:44:10) Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 4: General Debate Date: 18 September 2018 Speaker: Mr. Felix Agbor Nkongho Oral Statement to the 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from Lawyers’ Rights … [Read more...]

Turkey: Continued Violation of Non-Derogable Rights After Lifting of State of Emergency | Joint Written Statement to the 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

  Full PDF Version United Nations Human Rights Council 31 August 2018 Item 4 – Human rights situations that require Council’s attention Written Statement by Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) and Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L), The Law Society (TLS), NGOs in Special Consultative … [Read more...]

Saudi Arabia: Persistent gross, widespread and systematic violations of human rights while a member of the UN Human Rights Council | Joint Written Statement to the 39th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

See full pdf report as filed with the UN Human Rights Council without footnotes (due to length restrictions) See the fully footnoted report (pdf) This written statement by LRWC is endorsed by the Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR). Item 4 – Human rights situations that require Council’s … [Read more...]

Viet Nam: Failure to Comply with International Human Rights Obligations | Joint Submission

Full PDF Version / Full Word Version   UPR SUBMISSION - VIETNAM - JULY 2018 A. Introduction Lawyers for Lawyers (“L4L”) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (“LRWC”) jointly submit this report on the state of human rights in Viet Nam, especially in respect of the legal profession, … [Read more...]

Myanmar: End Human Rights Violations in Myanmar | Oral Statement to the 38th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available (Chapter 16, at 00:27:56) Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 4: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar (oral update) Date: 27 June 2018 Speaker: Hélène Ramos dos Santos Oral Statement to the 38th Session … [Read more...]

End repression and persecution of lawyers in Turkey | Joint Oral Statement to the 38th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available (Chapter 52, at 02:21:30) United Nations Human Rights Council 38th Regular Session 18 June to 6 July 2018 Agenda Item 3 Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Joint Oral … [Read more...]

China: Human rights advocates suffer detention, ill-treatment and trials in violation of international law | Written Statement to the 38th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full .pdf version (with footnotes) Item 4 – Human rights situations that require Council’s attention Written Statement by Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada an NGO in Special Consultative Status to the 38th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council China: Human rights advocates … [Read more...]

Canada: Human Rights Records Reviewed at the United Nations Universal Periodic Review | Press Release

Full PDF Version Photo Credit: United Nations To comply with international human rights law, Canada must: Ensure access in Canada, to remedies for victims of rights violations committed outside Canada by Canadian corporations; Increase its participation in and support for the … [Read more...]

China: Joint Submission to the 31st Session of the Universal Periodic Review

Full PDF Version   Joint Submission to the 31st Session of the  Universal Periodic Review  of  China  from  LAWYERS FOR LAWYERS and LAWYERS’ RIGHTS WATCH CANADA  MARCH 2018 Introduction Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) submit this report on … [Read more...]