Sri Lanka: Hold Accountable Those Responsible for Atrocity Crimes during and after the Armed Conflict | Oral Statement to the 37th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version This statement was not delivered because of scheduling. Mr. President: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada thanks the High Commissioner for Human Rights for his work promoting, protecting and speaking out for human rights despite a global trend in the opposite direction. We take … [Read more...]

China: Draft Resolution on Promoting the International Human Rights Cause through Win-Win Cooperation” at 37th UN Human Rights Council Session | Joint Letter

Full PDF Version To: Member and Observer States of the Human Rights Council Re: Draft resolution on “Promoting the International Human Rights Cause through Win-Win Cooperation” at 37th UN Human Rights Council session The draft resolution entitled “Promoting the International Human … [Read more...]

State Action Needed to Promote Global Implementation of Human Rights Law and LGTBQ Rights | Joint Oral Statement to the 37th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version State action needed to effectively promote globally, through the 3rd cycle of the UPR, implementation of international human rights laws, particularly in reference to: the administrative of justice, and the rights of juveniles and LGBTQ people. This joint statement by International … [Read more...]

Attacks on the Legal Profession in China, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkey | Joint Oral Statement to the 37th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available (Chapter 65, at 02:28:39)  Human Rights Council 37th Regular Session 26 February to 23 March 2018 Agenda Item 3 Joint Oral Statement in the Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders and the … [Read more...]

Turkey: Immediately Cease and Remedy Arbitrary Arrest, Detention and Wrongful Prosecution of Legal Professionals, and Use of Torture and Ill-Treatment | Oral Statement to the 37th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version This oral statement to the UN HRC 37th Session was not presented because of scheduling. The statement by seven international human rights groups decries the widespread use of arbitrary arrests, detentions and torture against jurists in Turkey. United Nations Human Rights … [Read more...]

Human rights groups call on States to hold China accountable at the UN Human Rights Council | Joint Letter

Full PDF Version Your Excellency, We write prior to the 37th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council to urge your delegation to send a clear message to China denouncing its rollback in respect for human rights. Since President Xi Jinping assumed power in March 2013, … [Read more...]

Viet Nam: Failure to Comply with Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Opinion to Immediately Release Nguyễn Văn Đài | WGAD Submission

Full PDF Version Nguyễn Văn Đài update: Viet Nam has still not complied with the 8 June 2017  Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) Opinion to immediately release human rights lawyer Nguyễn Văn Đài and compensate him for his arbitrary detention since December 2015. Viet Nam continues to … [Read more...]

Canada: LBWC and LRWC Joint Submission for the Universal Period Review, Third Cycle

Full PDF Version LRWC and Lawyers Without Borders/Canada in Joint Submissions for consideration on the third Universal Periodic Review/Canada recommend that Canada: Ensure protection of rights and access to remedies for people negatively affected by the activities of Canadian corporations … [Read more...]

States Must Cooperate with UN Technical Assistance In Ensuring Independence and Integrity of Legal Profession | Joint Oral Statement to the 36th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available (Chapter 37, at 01:06:02) Check Against Delivery Organization:  Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and Lawyers for Lawyers Item:                 Item 10 – General Debate: Technical assistance and capacity-building Date:                 28 … [Read more...]

Cambodia: Cooperate with Human Rights Council Special Procedures Mandate Holders | Oral Statement to the 36th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available (Chapter 25, at 01:06:57) Check Against Delivery Organization:             Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item:                            Item 10 – Interactive dialogue on the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights … [Read more...]