Statement: Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, 31st Session of the UN Human Rights Council | Joint Statement

The following joint oral statement by Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada and Asian Legal Resource Centre was submitted but was among the statements of  eleven NGOs that could not be delivered during the Interactive Dialogue with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights … [Read more...]

Canada: Restoring the Space for Dissent in Canada | Joint Written Statement to the UN Human Rights Council

LRWC full pdf Full PDF Version Official UN Version In this written submission, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) and the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) call on the Human Rights Council to continue to promote and protect the rule of law and human rights in Canada by monitoring the following … [Read more...]

Thailand: Joint Oral Statement to 30th Session of the UN HRC: Abuse of laws and military courts to silence civil society

Full text View the Oral Statement below at 1:39:45 Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and the Asian Legal Resource Centre Item: Items 2 and 10 – General Debate Date: 30 September 2015 Speaker: Mr. Gavin Magrath Joint Oral Statement to the 30th Session of the UN Human Rights … [Read more...]

Sri Lanka: Oral Statement to UN HRC Applauding Recommendation to Establish a Special Court to Prosecute Crimes against Humanity in Sri Lanka | Oral Statement

Full PDF Version LRWC applauds the recommendation to establish a special court to prosecute war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Sri Lanka during the 26-year civil war and calls on the Human Rights Council to pass a resolution in the terms recommended. The presentation of … [Read more...]

Cambodia: Oral Statement to the 30th Session of the UN Human Rights Council : Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia | Oral Statement

Full text .pdf Check Against Delivery Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 10 - Cambodia Date: 29 September 2015 Speaker: Mr. Gavin Magrath Oral Statement to the 30th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), a … [Read more...]

China: NGOs Ask Council to Address China’s Campaign of Unlawful Reprisals Against Human Rights Advocates | Oral Statement

Full PDF Version A joint oral statement by Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, Lawyers for Lawyers and the Asian Legal Resource Centre asked Council to address China’s campaign of unlawful reprisals against lawyers and other human rights advocates and to request the High Commissioner for Human Rights to … [Read more...]

Thailand: LRWC Submission to the Universal Periodic Review, 25th Session, April – May 2016

PDF report (pdf) Lawyer's Rights Watch submission to the UN Human Rights Council for Thailand's Universal Periodic Revies in April-May 2016 discusses Thailand’s failure to comply with its international human rights obligations to guarantee: fair trial rights in accordance with the … [Read more...]

Saudi Arabia: NGOs Call on the UN Human Rights Council to Condemn Human Rights Abuses in Saudi Arabia | Joint Oral Statement

Full PDF Version A joint oral statement by Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, Lawyers for Lawyers and FIDH/OMCT called on Council to condemn gross, widespread and systemic human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia against human rights defenders. The statement was presented to the UN Human Rights Council … [Read more...]

China: Mass Arrest, Detention and Disappearance of Lawyers and Other Rights Advocates in China | Report

Full PDF Version LRWC calls on UN Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups to come to the aid of lawyers and their associates under seige by state authorities in China. Since the beginning of July 2015 over 284 human rights lawyers have been wrongfully arrested in a country-wide campaign to close … [Read more...]

Saudi Arabia: WGAD Petition for Relief – Waleed Abulkhair | Petition

Full PDF Version Human Rights Watch and the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA - International Association of Lawyers) have joined this Petition for Relief filed 14 April 2015 by Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, Lawyers for Lawyers (the Netherlands), the Law Society of England and Wales (U.K.), the … [Read more...]