The Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Mexico | Joint Written Statement to the 15th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

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Statement on Behalf of Judge Baltasar Garzón & Judicial Independence | Joint Written Statement to the 14th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

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UN Human Rights Council: On Behalf of Judge Baltasar Garzon and Judicial Independence

UN Human Rights Council: On Behalf of Judge Baltasar Garzon and Judicial Independence by LRWC … [Read more...]

Myanmar/Burma: The absence of minimum conditions for elections | Written Statement to the 14th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

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Report on Khadr | Written Statement to the 13th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

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LRWC Statement to 12th Session of the HRC Re: Sri Lanka

Statement to 12th Session of the HRC Re: Sri Lanka by LRWC … [Read more...]

Concerns about the Independence of the Judiciary and Legal Profession in Cambodia | Written Statement to the 12th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Official UN Version Written Statement submitted by LRWC, a non-government organization in special consultative status.  Concerns about the Independence of Lawyers and Judges in Cambodia Overview and recommendations: There is marked increase of concern expressed by UN … [Read more...]

The Need for an Absolute and Non-derogable Right to Independent Courts | Joint Written Statement to the 11th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

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Universal Periodic Review of China: No Independent Courts

Full report: UN Human Rights Council: Universal Periodic Review of China: No Independent Courts by LRWC This report details the complete failure of the rule of law2in China through: a. the absence of an independent judiciary and the required safeguards that would enable lawyers and other human … [Read more...]

Joint Statement to 7th Session of UN Human Rights Council: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal

PDF: Asia: Joint Statement to 7th Session of UNHRC re: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal by ALRC & LRWC date: March 14, 2008 document id:ALRC-COS-07-007-2008 speaker: Mr. Bijo Francis HRC section: Item 4: General Debate A Joint Oral Statement to the 7th Session of the UN Human Rights … [Read more...]