Cambodia: Lack of independent courts and misuse of laws to crackdown on dissenters | Oral video statement to UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF (ENG) See video recording  of LRWC statement See the full Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapport on Human Rights in Cambodia Video Intervention: Check against delivery Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 10: Interactive Dialogue, Special Rapporteur on … [Read more...]

United States: Joint Oral Statement to the UN Human Rights Council on systemic racism and police violence | Joint statement led by ACLU

Full PDF (ENG) See the joint oral statement LRWC was among 300 NGOs from more than 60 countries that joined a 1 October 2020 oral statement to the UN Human Rights Council led by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The oral statement was a follow up to the Council's June 2020 Resolution 43/1 … [Read more...]

Yemen conflict: Cease arms transfers by Canada, France, Iran, US & UK | Oral video statement to UN Human Rights Council

Full text of the oral video statement (.pdf) (ENG) Full oral video statement Full Interactive Dialogue with the Group of Experts on Yemen Video Intervention: Check against delivery  Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 2: Interactive Dialogue, Group of Experts on … [Read more...]

Turkey: Joint oral statement to the 45th Session of the UN Human Rights Council: UPR Adoption

Full PDF (ENG) Full joint oral video statement online Full Interactive Dialogue on Turkey UPR Date: 28/29 September 2020 HRC section: 45th Session (Agenda Item 6) Speaker: Leroy Niekoop Oral Statement to the 45th Session of the UN Human Rights Council Regular Session - Item 6: UPR … [Read more...]

Global Call for the UN to Recognize the Right to a Healthy Environment | Joint letter

Full joint letter (pdf) | See the signatories LRWC was among the signatories of a joint letter to the UN Human Rights Council seeking recognition of the human right of all to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment. Included in the letter was a concern about protection of … [Read more...]

Myanmar: Oral Video Statement to the 45th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF (ENG) See LRWC's oral video statement See the full Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Video Intervention: Check against delivery Organization: Lawyers’ … [Read more...]

China: Oral Statement to the 45th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF (ENG) See the oral video statement as shown at the UN Human Rights Council (00:52:48) See the full Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on the Rights of Older Persons (Part 1) | Part 2 NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the … [Read more...]

Turkey and Iran: Oral Statement to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) | Joint video statement

Full PDF Statement (ENG) See the oral video statement as seen at the UN Human Rights Council (at 1:36:50) See the full Interactive Dialogue with the WGAD NGOs in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Video Intervention: Check against … [Read more...]

China: Global call for international human rights monitoring mechanisms on China | Joint letter

Full PDF (ENG) Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada joins more than 300 civil society groups in a joint open letter to the UN Secretary General, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN member states to call for an international mechanism to address human rights violations by China. Global … [Read more...]

Myanmar: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review by Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada | Joint Submission

Full PDF (ENG) In July 2020, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada joined Lawyers for Lawyers in submitting a report for the forthcoming Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Myanmar at its 37th session. The review is scheduled to take place in Geneva in January/February 2021. In the report (.pdf), … [Read more...]