Thailand: Angkhana Neelapaijit appointed to UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances

LRWC welcomes the 1 April 2022 decision of the UN Human Rights Council to appoint Angkhana Neelapaijit, a prominent human rights advocate in Thailand, to the UN Working Group on enforced and involuntary disappearances (WGEID). Angkhana Neelapaijit has served as the Chair of the Working Group for … [Read more...]

Afghanistan: Protect jurists and defenders, particularly women | Joint Statement to the 34th Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full .pdf statement Video statement on UN WebTV at 02:26:30 Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 10: General Debate Date: 30 March 2022 Speaker: Paul Scambler Oral Statement to the 49th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, the … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Cambodia: Fulfil treaty promises with action to uphold rights of dissidents and defenders

Full .pdf statement See the debate at UN WebTV (part 1). Debate, Part 2. LRWC statement at 42:13 Organization:   Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item:    Item 10: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia Date:   29 March 2021 Speaker: … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: States, including Thailand, must implement Universal Periodic Review commitments | Oral Statement

Full pdf statement See UN video: LRWC statement at 3:11:02 Also see the joint statement of Lawyers for Lawyers joined by LRWC, delivered 24 March 2022 Organization:   Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item:  Item 6: General Debate Date:  24 March 2021 Speaker:   Catherine Morris Oral … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Safeguard lawyers in Thailand from harassment and interference | Joint Statement

Full pdf joint statement Also see LRWC's separate statement to the UN Human Rights Council. Organization: Lawyers for Lawyers Item: Item 6 – UPR Outcome Thailand Date: 23/24 March 2022 Speaker: Ms. Julia Smakman Oral Statement to the 49th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council:  Russian Federation: Flagrant violations of international law | Joint oral statement

Full .pdf  joint statement UN TV video at 6:38:43 Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 4: General Debate Date: 21 March 2022 Speaker: Brian Samuels Oral Statement to the 49th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, the Law Society of … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Halt the atrocities against Myanmar people, including human rights defenders | Oral Statement

Full pdf statement See the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur. See LRWC's statement at 1:20:44 Also see a joint statement of the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (joined by LRWC) UPDATE: Resolution extending the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Judicial harassment of human rights lawyers Nasrin Sotoudeh and Amirsalar Davoudi | Joint Statement with IBAHRI

See the pdf statement (joined by LRWC) See the video statement at 1:15:06.  United Nations Human Rights Council - 49th Session Oral Statement by the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) during the Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Harassment of lawyers in Belarus | Joint statement

Full pdf joint statement See the full interactive dialogue debate on video. UPDATE: See the resolution of the Human Rights Council adopted by vote on 1 April 2022 extending the OHCHR examination for a further year United Nations Human Rights Council, 49th Session  Item 4: … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Iran: Arbitrary detention and ill-treatment of human rights lawyers and defenders | Joint oral statement

Full .pdf statement See video. LRWC statement at 01:42:14 Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada Item: Item 3: General Debate Date: 16 March 2022 Speaker: Paria Saremi Oral Statement to the 49th Session of the UN Human Rights Council from Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), … [Read more...]