Professor William Schabas | Honorary Director

Professor William Schabas is currently teaching international law at Middlesex University in the United Kingdom and at Leiden University in the Netherlands. He holds B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Toronto and LL.B., LL.M. and LL.D. degrees from the University of Montreal. Professor … [Read more...]

Maya Duvage | Board of Directors

Maya Duvage, B.A. (Hons) McGill University (2010), LL.B. (Hons) University of Nottingham (2013), anticipates being called to the Bar of British Columbia in late 2017. After completing a baccalaureate at McGill University, Maya entered the legal field by working at a mid-sized Toronto firm on … [Read more...]

Brian Samuels Q.C. | Board of Directors

Brian Samuels Q.C., P. Eng. (Civil), MBA, LL.B, C. Arb. is a senior trial and appeal lawyer. He practiced with Russell and DuMoulin (now Faskens) in Vancouver from 1987 until 1993, and then with Lee & Associates in Denver, Colorado until 1994, before starting his independent practice. He is the … [Read more...]

Isabel Stramwasser | Board of Directors

Isabel Stramwasser, B.A. McGill University (1995) and LL.B. University of Toronto (2002), has volunteered with LRWC in various roles since 2004. She represented LRWC at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva in 2010. Isabel has worked as an administrative decision-maker for the last five … [Read more...]

Monia Mazigh | Board of Directors

Dr. Monia Mazigh is an academic, novelist and human rights advocate. She was born and raised in Tunisia and immigrated to Canada in 1991. She speaks Arabic, French, and English fluently and holds a Ph.D. in finance from McGill University. Dr. Mazigh has worked at the University of Ottawa and taught … [Read more...]

Marjorie Cohn | Board of Directors

Marjorie Cohn is a prominent activist/scholar. She lectures through out the world and provides legal and political commentary on human rights and U.S. foreign policy. She is former president of the National Lawyers Guild, deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic … [Read more...]

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Volunteering for Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada

Note: LRWC is currently unable to accommodate volunteer requests or applications for student summer positions or internships. Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC ) is a volunteer-run non-governmental organization (NGO). LRWC is a committee of lawyers and other human rights defenders … [Read more...]


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Thailand: Joint Oral Statement to 30th Session of the UN HRC: Abuse of laws and military courts to silence civil society

Full text View the Oral Statement below at 1:39:45 Organization: Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and the Asian Legal Resource Centre Item: Items 2 and 10 – General Debate Date: 30 September 2015 Speaker: Mr. Gavin Magrath Joint Oral Statement to the 30th Session of the UN Human Rights … [Read more...]